I do not need this group...

It appears that my first account here is no longer valid and it is most likely because I stood up for myself the other day. If anyone has/had a problem with what I said, that is tough! I posted a topic praising the Pennsylvania parks and coasters and it was closed. there is no reason for it and I have recieved several emails of support from other users of this discussion group.

I do not care about losing my account here. If people who moderate this group want to restrict freedom of speech, I would rather not be a part of this group, so deleting my account doesn't bother me.

What does bother me is the fact that on roller coaster discussion groups, our personal liberties are taken away. Liberties like freedom of speech within resonable limits. Someone coming on here and saying they think this or that is best is within the legal limits of the constitution. Many people have fought and died in wars defending these liberties and these liberties should be honered by all of us.

It is like this, I have the freedom to live as I choose. I want to have a family someday, yet I have a friend who is gay and he tells me not to date women. Both of us have the right to our beliefs, but what works best for my friend, isn't something that I think would work for me. I simply enjoy the company of women and I want kids. I want a normal life and that is my right. I want the freedom to say what  I think(within resonable limits). I also want everyone else to have this, but I am afraid that coaster enthusiasts are in a different world than most people. They think they do not have to obey the laws(read how a certain trip report to Chippewa Lake begins on Coasterbuzz). I have heard of numerous coaster enthusiasts disobeying rules at parks and tresspassing on the property of defunct parks. this is sad, we should repsect the parks, especially the old defunct parks. Parks should be sacred to us. We do not have to agree with everything they do, but we should not tresspass or disobey park rules-that only looks bad on us.

I am currently researching the prospect of  reporting a couple of roller coaster discussions groups to the ACLU because I believe that our personal liberties are threatened when we post here. If I want to come on this board and say Vollmar's is the best park in the world, I should have the right to say so, now other enthusiasts would laugh at that, but that is their right too. No, I do not think Vollmar's is that great, but I am just saying if I wanted to say that, I should be allowed.

In closing, all I can say is that anyone who would restrict our freedom of speech is as much a threat to democracy as the crazy people who flew the airplanes into the buildings back in Spetember of 2001.

Have a nice day!

Darren Mullins


One more thing...

I will be watching the discussion groups over the next few weeks to see if the restriction of freedom of speech  continues, that is why I have the screen name of Discussion Group Watcher.

This is going to be a CLOSED topic soon. Right Jeff.
Somebodys Pissed
stoogemanmoe's avatar
If you don't like it here and if you don't like the way Jeff runs HIS site then you DON'T need to be here. Jeff pays totally for this site, which by the way is the best damn coaster site on the net. Why don't you just get out of here if you don't like it here.. go on beat it! SCRAM!
Beer, My Baby, and Coasters. Is this a great country or what?

*** This post was edited by stoogemanmoe on 1/24/2002. ***

Well, be sure to report back on what the ACLU tells you. ;)

everything's better with a banjo

Hmm...if you agreed to the terms of service then I highly doubt you would get anywhere in court.  This is a private forum (owned by jeff) and he can have or restrict any type of speech he wants to on here.
Ride the New England Bush!
stoogemanmoe's avatar
LOL.. millrace.. good one!
Beer, My Baby, and Coasters. Is this a great country or what? ;)
...this group doesn't need you.
If you don't need this group why keep posting.
Army Rangers lead the way
What is ACLU exactly
At least you'd have Ruth Bader Ginsberg on your side.  She always sides with idiots like you. (Wiz, the ACLU is the American Civil Liberties Union.  Basically they're a legal defense fund that helps people win cases that think they've had their civil liberties "violated")
Ride the New England Bush!

*** This post was edited by Spacecase8310 on 1/24/2002. ***

I think member speed:theride posted something like this a few says ago.  Take a look at this. http://www.coasterbuzz.com/forums/thread.asp?ForumID=11&TopicID=17395

Theres some support for you.

Thanks Spacecase
ApolloAndy's avatar
I have the feeling that your post was closed because it violated the TOS, not because your opinion was not valued or respected.
The legend lives!
A whole lot of noise and nothing substantial to make a case. Good luck in your quest. You will need it.


"The Peoples Elbow" or "The Spinaroonie?. Cant decide which is the most electrifying move in sports entertainment!!! LOL

Jeff's avatar
Sorry... had to open this one back up for one last stab because it's without question the most hilarious thing I've ever seen.

Darren, to say you're misinformed would be grossly understating your problem. You don't even understand the law of the land. The First Amendment means the government can't shut you up. It doesn't mean jack here. You have no liberties here but to play by the rules. I don't owe you anything. You want free speech, build your own damn site.

The fact of the matter is this: We moderate to keep discussion fresh, not because we disagree with anyone. The topics you refer to I don't even remember... that's how ground breaking they must have been. When you post something about what's best, it goes away because I pay the bills and I think that's boring. Such topics can be found as the exclusive content on other sites, so go bother them if that's what you're looking for. I for one don't need a hundred topics on what state has the best rides or which park is better or the nonsense about what is "confirmed" for a park. Besides, if we were really shutting down people we disagreed with, would Jeremy (2Hostyl) still be around? ;) I think not.

And the ACLU? Get a grip... they'll laugh you right out the door. They might sometimes take up some ridiculous causes, but they aren't stupid. They don't give hampster droppings about some kid that doesn't get his way on a privately-owned forum.

Don't let the door hit you on the way out.

Jeff - (who now returns you to rich and exciting coaster-related discussion)
Webmaster/Admin - CoasterBuzz.com, Sillynonsense.com
"As far as I can tell it doesn't matter who you are. If you can believe, there's something worth fighting for..." - Garbage, "Parade"

Closed topic.

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