Cedar Point said they were planning to have TTD open for the 4th of July weekend. We will see what happens. They also said that if it wasn't fixed by mid-July they would close it for the rest of the season. I sure hope it can be fixed because I am going to CP in 18 days!
You lied to us. You said you needed help, but instead you started another TTD thread. ------------------ If you have a problem with clones, the solution is real simple—Stop traveling.
I'd say if it keeps up its record if it is open by the 4th weekend its stands a good chance of not being open to long before being shut down again, I'm going today 6/3 with my luck it will open the 4th, and I probably wont be able to get back to the park until atleast the 11th, so with my luck it will open this weekend and will be closed by next weekend, hope thats not the case fingers are crossed. And if it is working and I'm there It will rain,,,, thats been my luck with the TTD so far this year.