
Raging Bull is advertised as a hyper twister roller coaster. I understand why it is a hyper coaster, but what makes it a hypertwister roller coaster?

Its not a traditional out & back coaster. The track intertwines for a more interesting layout. The only other hypertwister I can think of is Fujiyama(sp?)

EDIT: Oh yeah, Goliath/Titan could also be considered a hypertwister.

*** This post was edited by Antuan on 8/7/2002. ***

beast7369's avatar
However they are not labeled as such by the parks that own them!

Whizzer tribute page http://www.crosswinds.net/~zerogthrills/sfgam/whizzer.html
Zero G Thrills http://www.crosswinds.net/~zerogthrills/

A hypertwister is a coaster over 200 ft. tall that has many twists and turns as opposed to an out and back. Fujiyama was the first hypertwister (yep, three years before Raging Bull). Goliath and Titan are also hypertwisters. Hypertwisters (at least Fujiyama) are patterned after old wooden twisters like Coney Island Cyclone and they have big, unbanked turns high above the ground. They have numerous drop, cross the structure many times and have postitive vertical and lateral Gs and negative Gs.

I was asked to describe X in one word. The word? -- OhmygoshwhathaveIgottenmyselfintothisisthescariest

Actually, Fujiyama @ Fujikyu Highland park in Japan was the first hyper-twister. Raging Bull debuted a few years later.

A CoasterForum Member

*** This post was edited by kRaXLeRidAh on 8/7/2002. ***

A hypertwister is usually compact like Raging Bull, Goliath, and Titan. You don't need a large space for it and usually have lots of twisting and turning. I think these kind of coasters should have the most intensity.
I have never ridden a hyper, but it doesn't really have to modeled after the cyclone. It just has to go up and under the structure more than one time.

(Former Signature replaced due to bad joke with accident) The Beast at night-Two peas in a pod?

jay_rider said:
A hypertwister is usually compact like Raging Bull, Goliath, and Titan. You don't need a large space for it...

What?!? Compact? No way! Maybe Fujiyama is compact, but Bull takes up a ton of space, as do Goliath and Titan. They are all really big rides.

Bull goes over and under itself at least 20 times, that's what I think makes a hypertwister.

Ride Raging Bull, De javu, V2, or Batman. Decisions Decisions.

SFGA2001. It may not be compact compared to Iron Wolf or Batman:TR, but compared to long out and back track layouts, Raging Bull doesnt take up as much space. Since it intertwines in itself , it doesnt require as much land to utilize. Take a look at American Eagles layout. That coaster spans the whole length of one side of the park. Raging Bull takes up the length of the section its in which is SWT.

Ric Flair was hitting on the female host, he told her - "Space Mountain may be the oldest ride in the park, but it has the longest line." WOOOOO!

Yeah, you actually need more space for a hyper-twister. That's most likely why most parks chose an out-and-back. Much easier to fit in a space.

Anyone who loves twisters will love Fujiyama. It's insane...it's unique...and most of all it's fun :). I think I actually like it better than SD2K. So much air on every hill is great, but I enjoy not knowing where I'm going. More power to the twisters!

There is no such thing as a compact Hypercoaster.
For what it's worth, the layout of Fujiyama is based on the Coney Cyclone, which is indeed a twister. QED.
Well not compact but something that don't take up much room like a full length out and back coaster. Goliath dosn't look like it need a lot of room it goes over Collossus and it twist under itself as well as RB it goes over the Viper line it don't need that much room just a big section and than your good.

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