Hypersonic - Rollbacks, Jenny Craig, and AIR!

Let me start by saying I LOVE Hypersonic. It makes the strongest LIM launch feel like something in Kiddieland. And the airtime over the top? Well, the back seat of Jackrabbit never seemed so tame! (I thought that that moment of airtime couldn't be beaten!).

Operation - I have never seen a more efficient crew. I counted 15 uniformed PKD personnel on the station at one time, and a half dozen or so S&S people wandering around. The load/unload process couldn't have been any quicker. Also, for a one train operation it was very fast. With 100-200 pph capacity the line was never too far past an hour, but we all know the crowds won't stay that light. Let's hope that more trains are placed on the circuit soon.

Rollback! - On the train before mine (damn it!) there was a delay when the train reached the launch position. It didn't engage the launch sled right away and there was lots of air noise as the shot tanks were ready to be released. After a minute an S&S guy went up for closer inspection, the train engaged, and was shot. I heard "oh no" and watched the train start to crest and roll back. Good! I was really wondering what happened in case of a roll back! Observation #1 - I did NOT see the trims on the ascent side grab as the train rolled back through them. I guess they are only to slow the ascent when necessary?
Observation #2 - The train rolled back a LONG way before brakes were applied. It made a hard stop back by the launch position and came to a complete stop right before the curve.
So, what next? They evacuated the train, pushed it back to the weigh position, and shot it. Another test circuit and they were letting people on again. I bet it was no more than 10-15 minutes from the rollback to when it was running with public on board. Excellent job Hypersonic crew on handing the rollback! I assume it will happen several more times over the summer.

Jenny Craig - They should consider sponsorship of Hypersonic until it's one MAJOR problem gets fixed. OK, I know many coasters can not accept guests with "exceptionally large proportions", but Hypersonic cannot accept passengers with slightly large proportions. I bet if a pro-football team got in line half couldn't ride. What I saw: I had 3 rides, and just during the time I was in the station I personally witnessed EIGHT people get tossed, many who I would have never thought that they woudldn't be able to. And this was during a total time span of 30-40 minutes I spent on the platform. For those who haven't seen pics, the Hypersonic restraint system is as follows: There is a deep seat with a tall headrest. When you pull the lapbar down it is connected to two other bars: One that makes contact with your shins, and another that makes contact around your ankles. The lap bar is than attached by a seatbelt straight back to the one side of the seat at mid-torso. The 3 bars in one sound awfully constrictive, but I did not feel it so. My rides were VERY comfortable, and kudos to S&S for taking off the shoulder restraints it used to have!

Bottom Line - Yes it was short, but it is a definite favorite! I got 3 rides in along with several on all the other coasters at PKD, and wanted about 20 more Hypersonic before I left. (BTW - FLight of Fear was down all weekend. New trains? Anyone hear anything?) Yes it was short, but so were all the Arrow loopers like Corkscrew, and look where they evolved! I can't wait to see where S&S and amusement parks take the Thrust Air 2000 from here!

For those who rode it also, what were your experiences?
Dude when was the line less than an hour? It was 3 Hrs for me!

Drachen Fire, Will it be swimming with the fishies?
First thing in the morning I had a 1 1/2 hour wait. After lunch I got in the front seat in just about an hour! (My party was taking pictures, so I stole a solo hypersonic ride. Since I was alone that time I got to skip ahead many trains to fill in an empty front row seat.)

Then, around 4:00 or 5:00 I got a ride in just over an hour for the back seat.

Maybe I got lucky! :)
How large is slighty large? I will be really upset if I travel 850 miles only to find out I can't ride the coaster. Maybe I should jog to PKD instead of driving my car... Is this their sick way of handling the capacity issue?? I am sure it is not but 50% of America is overweight and when designing a ride that should be taken into consideration.

I've never had problems fitting into a coaster but that slightly large comment has me a little scared.

I can't wait to stand in line...
You know what, the first guy I saw get tossed I would have guessed as 225 lbs. Now weight doesn't have much to do with it, but he wasn't that big. I think a large gut area is what prevents the belt from engaging.

I wouldn't worry too much. I'm sure they know it's a problem and I bet the other trains will get longer belts or something.
Just gives the obese coaster enthusiasts new reason to cut out the fried dough & cotton candy! :)

Personally, it doesn't affect me one bit... but if this is true about the 'large' riders not being able to ride, then there should be a fairly large warning sign on the queue entrance stating the 'must be in good physical condition' sphiel so somebody doesn't stand in line for 3+ hours just to get booted from the line because he had one too many donuts!!

Hmm, I guess this even affects muscle heads too who are all beefed up & able to pull a 747 with their teeth (dare ya to try to tell THEM that they aren't going to ride after standing in line for hours on end!).

Actually, there is a sign. It says, "Anyone with abnormal body size will not be able to ride." I do believe it says something like that. Buff people would be able to ride since there beef is in the chess, not waist.

I can't wait to get more ride time. I got to stop reading reports on it, makes me want to ride, AGAIN! *Insert Drool*
"Lets shot Spitballs at Al Gore and make him all Confused!"-Brain

Favorite Park: Paramount's Kings Dominion!

Favorite Coaster: HyperSonic XLC!
These reports are killing me and building up my emotions. I will be heading out to PKD in less than two weeks, maybe even one week and now I really really want to go on the coaster. I live in MD, so I don't live too far away and I will hit PKD in early april. I can't wait any longer, the suspense is killing me.


RCTfan said:
"Buff people would be able to ride since there beef is in the chess, not waist".

Have you ever saw the 'World's Strongest Men' competition on ESPN2? 40" waist! The average men's waiste is between 32-34"... their's average between 36-42"... so they wouldn't be able to ride as well. Muscle isn't as easy to suck in as fat is. (I don't think)
But I LOVE cotton candy! Actually I am about 145, so I should be ok! I can't believe this thing is open already! I was just there in Oct and they were barely underway. Sounds like a "blast!" :) Glad you enjoyed it, Peabody.
An unnerving stillness in the woods of southern Indiana beckons for you on May 11th.....
I just saw a lot of mad folks that weren't allowed to ride. Did anyone hear any official reason why it is so insanely strict or whether or not they will fix the problem? I assume that they would.
My question is, did these people get the chance to sit in the seat and attempt to fasten the belts, bars, ect. , or did the ride ops just look at them and say they were to big?

They all sat down, the belt couldn't connect, and they were asked to leave. There was a security guard on the platform during the afternoon, I wonder if they got some problems?
Well if this is the case then they definitely need to stick a try-out seat with a seatbelt at the front of the line. This will eliminate alot of aggravation.

Would I be wrong in assuming that if you can ride an S&S space shot/turbo drop that you should be able to ride Hypersonic?
They're completely different, so I would venture to say that you would be wrong.


S&S space shots provide room for a wide range of people. The belts seem to be way longer than B&M's. With this in mind, why did S&S develope such a constrictive restraint? The ride doesnt seem that violent. I mean Superman: The Escape uses just a T-Bar, why the need for two extra bars and a belt?

RCTfan said:
"Actually, there is a sign. It says, "Anyone with abnormal body size will not be able to ride." I do believe it says something like that. Buff people would be able to ride since there beef is in the chess, not waist.

Man I can't wait to hear the definition of 'abnormal'.....and how many complaints they get before we see a 'big boy' seat.

I absolutely know I couldn't get on the ride. But poor diet and bad Thyroid glands'll do that to ya. Anyway, there's a lot of stuff I cannot ride, but most of Paramount's park staff tend to be very accomodating when trying to wedge me into a seat, regardless of the ride. The rest I just don't go on. I know my limitations w/B&M and Vekoma (usually ok as long as the big boy seat is there on the B&M's) and take that into consideration before riding. But that's the pseudo-informed enthusiast in me speaking. The general public, on the other hand, may have other (not so nice) things to say.

I'm sure that once S&S gets a chance to 'break it in', future models might have a tweaked set of seats for us 'abnormal' people (or maybe they won't, judging by their space shots have never been modified for larger guests). In either case, I'm sure Paramount will be as accomodating as possible to lighten the impact it may have (since I'm sure they've learned a lot from our Sonny debacle).

With that said, I guess we'll give it time. Thanks for the update on ride seating, Peabody. I was going to make the whirlwind Virginia trip this summer, and still may, but the added loss of Hypersonic may make me think twice.

P.S. As a side note to those who have the B&M hypers in their backyard (Williamsburg and Chitown, soon to be NJ), how accomodating are the seats on RB and AC? (Since I know Nitro is going to have that new fangled cable, I was more curious about the ones without it). I will be in Chicago in July and want to ride RB, but I'm afraid of the 'big boy' factor. (as a side note, I hate being 6'4, 280.....) :)

Done with my rant for the day........thanks for listening......

ShiveringTim's avatar
I too had problems with Hypersonic this weekend. I didn't get to ride since I was about an inch away on the belt. Not a big deal for me since BGW was the main reason for the trip. There is hope out there for H:XLC, however. There's a rumor running around that one or more of the other trains that weren't running this weekend will be more accomodating. Don't know if it's true or not.

Scott W. Short

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