Hyper Coaster Question

I was looking through my book "White Knuckle Ride"
and I noticed NYNY's Manhattan Express was 203 ft. tall. Is this a hyper coaster? The first drop is 100 ft and the second is about 185ft.
If anybody knows let me know.

The Future Is Riding On It!!!
That is the subject of much debate. I wouldn't call it a hypercoaster even though it does feature hyper-like elements. I features a vertical loop, and a heartline dive loop so it kinda falls in the same category as SOB, kind of a hyperlooper.
Technically, any full circuit coaster over 200ft is considered a hyper. I would classify ME as a looping hyper, and SOB as a wooden hyper.

ME's drops are actually 75ft and 144ft, can't for the life of me understand why TOGO just didn't do a hyper drop all the way to the ground with all that room they had. But they're lame anyway.
I rode ME last fall and latter found out is was 200 feet tall. With all of those big hotels right next to the ride, it looks pretty small. I wouldn’t call ME a hyper because the drop isn’t 200+ feet. If you just used the height above ground, then the worlds tallest coaster would be the coaster on top of the Stratosphere hotel (700+ feet I think).
What makes a hypercoaster a hypercoaster? The 200 foot tall mark doesn't work really because as RPMGuitar stated High Roller has such a high elevation, but none of us would consider it a hypercoaster. The 200 foot drop requirement doesn't work because even Magnum, the quintessential hypercoaster doesn't meet that mark. As with most amusement publicity, "Hypercoaster" is a creation of the marketing department, so maybe they would know. Maybe the coaster has to have a 200 foot elevation change (whether up or down) to be a hyper, which would qualify Manhattan Express as one. I have never considered it a hypercoaster though. Anyone think they know for sure?
I *think* the 'true' definition of a hypercoaster is a steel coaster with a hill and/or drop +200, made in a style to mimic (older) wooden coasters. This originally had a "out&back" style connotation. Since that was the general feeling, that it had to be a steel out&back, several other related terms were spawned, such as hyperlooper (Steel Phantom), hypertwister (Raging Bull) and hyperwoodie (SOB). ME best falls into the hyperlooper catagory, because it does have a 200+ hill (though the drop is much less) and it has inversions. High Roller (AFAIK) has NO hills and NO 200+ drop and therefore is not a hyper-anything.
Is that as clear as mud to everyone? Good! =]
(note all measurements given in the english foot)
Plus I consider that High Roller is the worlds "highest" coaster not the "tallest" coaster.
Not to mention it's speed is a measly 30mph.

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