Hurricane Forecast from SFI

Park profits fall 60% in 3rd quarter. Here is the shocker, weather was cited. But, again here we go with the empty promises:

The company said it plan to deliver improved performance in 2005 and beyond, through a focus on customer service, ad campaigns and capital additions to parks.

The big news from this report is

Our 2005 capital plan encompasses new attractions in 13 of our 18 domestic theme parks, a major new ride in our park in Mexico City and a children's area in our Montreal park. We will be adding both teen and family attractions. Our largest initiatives will be concentrated in our major markets. We will be debuting a new water park at our Chicago park for 2005. At our New Jersey park, we will be creating a dramatic new jungle themed 11 acre entertainment section, anchored by a world-record setting roller coaster, and including a new stadium for unique tiger shows and exhibits and an expansive new children's area. Our San Francisco park will receive a new section including a dolphin cove and other interactive animal attractions. We will also continue to invest against in-park revenue growth; we have seen strong year over year in-park spending growth over the last several seasons. In all, we expect our capital program to entail an expenditure of $130-135 million.

So, how much will the stock drop tomorrow?

*** Edited 11/9/2004 1:11:14 AM UTC by coasterguts***

A day at the park is what you make it!

So, the way I reas it, that's attractions at SFM (hypercoaster-announced), LaRonda (children's area-unannounced), SFGAm (HH-announced), SFGAdv (Kingda Ka-announced), SFMW (new section, though it seems no new rides-unannounced), as well as attractions at 10 of the 15 remaining SF parks. SFA has already been hinted as to getting an attraction, so it seems there are still 9 more parks we are in the dark about and 5 parks that will be seeing an "off-year." Any guess at which 9 parks will see attractions?

If you can't stand the heights, get out of the line.

Mamoosh's avatar
13 of 18, eh? I bet I can guess the new attraction at SFDL: The Shaft!! BWA HA HA HA HAHA!


Wow Moosh,

You must be psychic, thats the same ride we will get in St. Louis along with F:TR (Fence: The Ride for those that did not catch the whats going on in St.Louis thread) ;)

Just a couple of G-Force junkies!

Yeah, it's hard to believe additional safety fencing around rides is cap ex but that's where the money is coming from. Lets not forget they used the word "attraction". Attraction could be anything from a new ride to as little as new Batman Stunt Show (ala the rumoured addition to SFMM in 2005)

A day at the park is what you make it!

Mamoosh's avatar
I'd guess the three branded properties not getting anything new would be SFDL, SFEG, and SFMM.
SFDL has to get something this season. To torture the poor soles in the western state of New York with nothing new for another season would be a sad tale.

A day at the park is what you make it!

With 13 out of 18 parks adding something new in 05 it looks like just 5 will get the shaft this time around...a much lower number than the past couple of seasons.

My guess is SFKK,SFOT,SFFT,SFAW & SFEG are the ones to go without new ides in 05,from what I hear SFDL will get a little something added to it's waterpark for the upcoming season.

Mamoosh's avatar
Oh man, what was up with my math skills? Yes, it's 5 parks going without a new attraction.
I think SFEG will be getting something next year ;)

Dave Dragon, go Dave Dragon, and the Star Force Five!

So perhaps there's hope for SFNO in 2005 afterall.

I survived a Japanese typhoon and the Togo flat ride of death!!!!!!
It was said at an ACE meeting during Season Pass Day at SFoG that another new family ride would be coming to the park next year. Nothing specific mentioned, but look for an announcement soon they say.


Happiness is like peeing your pants. Everyone can see it, but only you can feel the warmth. Trip pics are here:
Some hot guy won a 2005 season pass at SFoG closing day, too. DId you see that, Rampage?


OMG I have a new sig!!!
Mamoosh's avatar
Well that rules out you, Joe ;)
To the best of my knowledge, SFAW is spending their capital money on maintenance and painting more rides for 2005. Which, in my opinion, is the right thing to do.

I heard a rumor that SFOT was going to see a flat ride, but I can't really back that up.

SFFT does crazy business with no new capital anyway.

Besides, we all know everyone in Texas is lining up for miles to ride the new Shamu Express at Sea World. How can you compete with that?

I thought SWT was adding to their water park for 2005?

A day at the park is what you make it!

Does that mean SFAW will be using the old paint stripped from SFWoA rides, or perhaps SFMM rides? And using the parts SF took with them when they sold SFWoA or aren't using at SFMM? Or they could try used duct tape in both situations, it could work ;)

Brett, Resident Launch Whore Anti-Enthusiast (the undiplomatic one)
With money now being tight within the Six Flags chain, do you believe that they will finally get round to installing the rides that they have in storage like the Screamin' Delta Demon and Chaos rollercoasters which are at the Old Indiana property.

Seems that these rides might still be able to provide some sort of thrill to even the smallest Six Flags parks without a hefty price.

Last check, Python still sits behind Superman and Batwing at SFA.

A day at the park is what you make it!

^^ If SF couldn't find a home for SFGRAM's SW(aside from the scrap yard) then what makes anyone think they'll relocate any of the other coasters they've got sitting around in storage?

I'm kinda disappointed to hear that during the conference call no major announcements were made regarding any other parks,I was hoping to hear anymore info leaked about just what may be going on with SFA's Hurricane Harbor project....ohh well I guess it'll have to wait til february or so.

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