Huge problem about Six Flags seasons passes

I will be heading to SFGRad in a couple of months. On the way, we come across Six flags darien Lake. So we would be stupid to not buy our passes at DL, cause it's $30 cheaper.

Now heres the problem. We will be leaving at probably 5-6am. It only takes 2 hours to get to SFDL from my house, so it wont be open when we get there. So I was wondering if I could by the pass from DL in advance and get it processed at SFGrad, or buy it in advance and not get it processed just go to GA with the slip they mail me.


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Lord Gonchar's avatar
Nope. All passes must be processed at the park they're purchased at.

I think they do that to stop the very thing you're wanting to try. :)

You could leave a couple of hours later. Of course, it's quite possible the season pass center opens before the park opens. I'm sure you could call to find out.

To being an "us" for once - instead of a "them".

I suggest buy your SFDL season pass now, and spend a day at the park before you go to SFGAdv. If it's only two hours away, you might as well get the season pass there and stay a while. Then when you go to SFGAdv you bypass SFDL all together.

If you can't stand the heights, get out of the line.

IMO, go to SFDL first, but not just for financial reasons.

I noticed from your profile that you’re a fellow Canadian. Be warned, Six Flags season pass software might crash when staff enter 'Ontario' as a state and 'A1B 2C3' as a zip code. Based on my own experiences, staff needed to over-ride the software to process passes for non-US residents. Not all pass-processing staff had permission to do this, and few of those had been trained to do it. SFDL attracts many more Canadian's than SFGAdv, so they are more likely prepared for this. But don't be too surprised if they have to call a supervisor for help.

Springtime season pass processing will be busy everywhere. SFDL season pass processing took me 40 minutes in May 2001. At SF Great Escape in October 2005 (no line) it took 10 minutes. Good luck!

*** Edited 4/3/2005 3:43:46 AM UTC by greatwhitenorth***

Thanks alot for the help.

Thats really annoying cause, If we make a special trip before the trip to hit SFDL its gonna cost over $30 for the day so we wont be saving any money in the long run. I dont plan on going to SFDL at all this year or next, so it doesn't give me more reason to go before June. I guess i'll probably end up leaving later and hitting the park on the way down.

Top 5 wood: 1.Hades 2.Voyage 3.Boulder Dash 4.Avalanche 5.Legend
Top 5 Steel: 1.Maverick 2.Fire Dragon 3.Batman 4.Raptor 5.Ice Dragon

Chaindog said:
Of course, it's quite possible the season pass center opens before the park opens.

I have never been to SFDL, but all the SF passes that I have had processed were in processing centers in the middle of the park...often with a long wait early in the day. They recommend coming back mid-day to do it. *** Edited 4/4/2005 10:34:31 PM UTC by RavenTTD***

SFDL's processing center is actually outside the gates. Another thing, a few years ago my wife and I got SFDL passes as a Christmas gift. We were going to California in April and SFMM, so we called to see what we could do about getting the passes proccessed before the park opened for the season. They told us to come on down to the Business Office (in front of the hotel, about a mile up the road from the main gate) and they processed our passes right there...

Huh, a good SF customer service story... Who knew?

But then again, what do I know?

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