How would you fix Six Flags' problems?

Home skillet, you are forever picking on great adventure. OK...a mythological gorgon in a wild west themed area was hella asinine. But SFA's Gotham city was the sorriest excuse for theming this side of the mississippi. As for mis-placed rides, take a look at great america's batman in Yankee harbor or Magic Mountain's Superman in Samurai Summit. Every park has their own lil' idiosyncrasy man ....blood claat lay off my home park

*** This post was edited by Antuan on 8/20/2002. ***

(in best Damon Wayans "Men on Flims" voice): 'Tuan, dont get so upset!

I only used GAdv because it was the most outrageous example that *I* have seen with my own eyes. I had no idea that S:TE was in "Samurai Summit" as my only visit to SFMM was in 1987 LOOONNNG before S:TE was shat out.

BUT, in reference to B:TR @ SFGAm, Gotham City is an allusion to your precious New York City, which is INDEED a "Yankee Harbor". So at least in my eyes, the themeing *was* made to fit!

As far as SFA goes, the themeing BLOWS...HARD! I guess I could have used Two Face sitting in SW Territory. But SFA didnt even *try* and present themeing. I was just saying how SFI could have gone "one step further". And what do you mean I pick on GAdv? I've only made the comment that I wasnt *overly* impressed by NITRO and GASM-II and RT are rough. I loved pretty much everything else about the park (and I even like NITRO). Jeez, I dont hate New Jersey :)
--who is taking his g/f to GAdv for TWO days....even more than they spent at HERSHEYPARK...

Gamndbndr hit the nail on the head by training the ride ops to have fun. If you enter a ride and the op at the front of the queue is upset and the ops where you board the ride are upset, and the ones at the end of the ride are upset, them it tends to make everyone upset.

If the ops are happy all throught the ride from queue to exit, than the fun that you had on the ride will stick with you longer. The more fun that you have, the more likely you will be back to the park in the future.

This idea has to come from the top. As I said before, the employees have to have a reason to be happy. Management can make the job a good one or a miserable one.

The worst day at Cedar Point is better than the best day at work.

Naw.....hostyl... I wasn't mad. I guess when I edited my post I mistakenly deleted my smiley faces. (note my jamaican cuss word reference that no one caught;) anyways, have fun at Gadv
rollergator's avatar

....better not be hatin' on Joisey...;). You and T will have a *great* time may even get on the "topless" Chilla....but if you get on BBTT or Evolution, then I gonna have to thrown down the gauntlets.....some of my friends told me Nitro was THE best coaster around before we got to GAdv...still can't top S:RoS...(trains)....:)

bill, saying GAdv is beautifully landscaped for a "big-city park", but the theming is *typically* lame....

Antuan (Buguyaga) :) - I got it, but I didn't realize my knowledge was so special that it required a comment.

"The perfect machine, you seemed to be, when I built you up in my mind..." - Reverend Jon Autry

RGW: I've already been on the "new" Robin, but not Batman. And unless by BBTT you mean Big Bootie T's Tollway (which I'm sure Jill and I would both have a problem with you "riding") I have no idea what you are talking about.
"To get inside this head of mine, would take a monkey-wrench, and a lot of wine" Res How I Do
rollergator's avatar
she charges TOLLS?....j/k....Blackbeard's Treasure Train, closed all three visits since I started keeping track....have fun, and remember to get T on Skull Mountain (it's dark in there)....;)
You know a woman that DOESN'T?!?! (I want some ice cream....why dont he go out to eat...ooh look a platinum and diamond watch!...)

But sorry, I've already been on Blackbeard....

"To get inside this head of mine, would take a monkey-wrench, and a lot of wine" Res How I Do

FireDragonLord said:
i have never seen them not stacking coasters. i have never seen a coaster operator working hard at that park(actually one, three years ago, on vortex, i gave him a high five for his efforts) also i have never had a person ask how my day is going, or if im enjoying myself.

Now that just pissed me right off. I cannot speak for all the crews, but I can speak for my own. My two rides, Vortex and Shockwave, are up 108% and 107% respectively in regards to capacity over last year. Now, at Vortex, to not stack a train, we have to unload, load, check, and dispatch, all within 40-45 seconds. Now, we demonstrate on a regular basis that it is possible. However, more often than not, it's not do-able because of the guests. Normally, we can have the train checked in about 10 seconds. But that other 30 seconds isn't enough for people to get out, get their stuff, fix their hair, go down the exit, and past the yellow line. It's not enough time for the oncoming riders to cross the train, put their bag down, rummage through it for who-knows-what, fix their hair, adjust themselves, or whatever they're doing, then sit down. This is not taking into account delays for lost articles, height checks, people without shirts/pants/shorts. We (this year's crew) hold the record (to the best of my knowledge) on Vortex with the maximum number of dispatches in an hour, with 50. The maximum possible is 52. Even including those delays, times where we are forced to run one train due to mechanical difficulties, and weather downtimes, we are averaging 35 trains per hour, every day, all season. If that's not working hard, then I'm sorry we don't live up to your expectations.

Wonderland actually does use some of these suggestions that people have said. They have emplyoee events, with certain rides open, food, and a manager dunk tank (last night's "corn roast"), they have max capacity days, where the ride with the highest number of cycles compared to their target cycle gets a pizza party or something. Awards for working hard, safety, guest satisfaction and such. It does help, but from what I've heard, not enough.

"I sold my soul to Viacom"

Dollywood's compony philosophy is to "create memories worth repeating," and I think this is reflected in their employees' attitudes and the overall guest experience. Perhaps Dollywoods employees are paid a little better, but I would guess that much of the reason is in the management's attitude and how they treat and motivate their employees. Perhaps Six Flags should look into adopting this philosophy...however, I don't see how Six Flag's management could turn 180 degrees from gouging their customers for every last penny to treating customers with respect, and realizing that in return, customers will come back and spend more money.
gard: In the words of a young boy in A League of their Own: "Cant we do both?" Disney for YEARS has been giving people the MOST memorable experiences in the business, while at the same time taking every red cent out of their pockets. They are *really* good at that as the people just KEEP coming back.

That, my friends, is great business!

"To get inside this head of mine, would take a monkey-wrench, and a lot of wine" Res How I Do

All they really need to do is stop treating SFMM like it's the only park they really care about, and start treating ALL of their parks the same way they treat SFMM! SoCal is the only market they have that always stays happy with them!

*** This post was edited by Iron Draggon on 8/24/2002. ***

Actually Iron Draggon, they don't treat SFMM any better than any other parks. So they add a few more coasters, big deal. Cedar Point does the same thing, where's your complaint about them?

"Escuse me, can you tell me where the heck the Mystery Lodge is"?

Cedar point keeps its guests happy. But hey I was overly thrilled with SFKK and everyone said how bad it was. I had never seen a problem taken care of so quick in my life. A happy crew consists of people who click and work well an un happy crew is a crew of people that dont know teamwork. I say this cause when you get along with people you tend to be happier.

For Six Flags, They need to take 2 years and slow things down. General improvemnts need to be made. Then again this is comming from me who is so open minded hes never walked out of a theme park unhappy.

Part of a Flight Attendant's arrival announcement: "We'd like to thank you folks for flying with us today. And, the next time you get the insane urge to go blasting through the skies in a pressurized metal tube, we hope you'll think of us."

Keeping guests happy has nothing to do with adding coasters, as Cedar Point themselves have proved. So once again, why is adding coasters at SFMM any different from adding them to Cedar Point?

"Escuse me, can you tell me where the heck the Mystery Lodge is"?

You don't like it don't go, that my approach.

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