To keep its haunted houses a safe but spooky experience this year, Universal did some redecorating and rethinking. There are more barriers between scareactors and visitors, but there are no dangling intestines in your face. For the coronavirus pandemic era, there are even changes in the ways that performers lunge.
Read more from The Orlando Sentinel.
Went through both of them this past weekend with almost no wait (at park opening) they were pretty good houses the hallways were a little brighter than usual . The flashlights they directed you with worked ( not the case in the past) Overall very well done and very Professionally done.
Two and a half years after GDPR day, the article is still unreadable:
"Unfortunately, our website is currently unavailable in most European countries. We are engaged on the issue and committed to looking at options that support our full range of digital offerings to the EU market. We continue to identify technical compliance solutions that will provide all readers with our award-winning journalism."
I develop Superior Solitaire when not riding coasters.
It's not alone in that.
If I ever have something really popular on my site I might just block North America for a while...
I develop Superior Solitaire when not riding coasters.
Universal Orlando hit capacity today, and people in the park didn't seem to be happy with their in-park experience.
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