How to deal with people

ApolloAndy's avatar
I used to big a big coaster tool until I realized nobody gives a rat's ass about what I have to say about pretty much anything (which could make ministry an interesting career choice).

I do have a real problem with anyone who thinks they're above anyone else for any reason, enthusiast or not, in the park or out.

Hobbes: "What's the point of attaching a number to everything you do?"
Calvin: "If your numbers go up, it means you're having more fun."

boblogone's avatar
eightdotthree's avatar
Your asking for it if you wear a t-shirt with a band, location or park on it. Any type of advertisement that says your into something or have been somewhere means your a target for conversation about the thing on your shirt. Most people do it to start conversations, if you want to avoid conversation then dont wear stuff like that. Sounds like you are doing a fine job of avoiding the conversation once it starts so I dont know what to tell ya.
nasai's avatar
Even though I wasn't there, maybe I qualify Moosh?

What? ;)

The Flying Turns makes all the right people wet - Gonch

I have a few obscure band t-shirts that I love to wear. My favorite is a MMW shirt that has their logo on it, only MMW fans have a clue as to what the logo means. Every time someone has recognized it a short but freindly conversation has followed. Since they are one of my favorite bands and live music is higher on my list than just about everything else, anyone else who is a fan has something in common with me that I can appreciate.
I could loan you one of my spare shirts. It has an aerial shot of The Beast silk screened on the front and a similar shot of Mean Streak silkscreened on the back. Over the pictures it says "I Know Everything" and below it says "About Roller Coasters." Then my friends and I debate various arcane points about the most recent State Basketball Tournament so nobody else can bother us. It really confuses the rubes in line. Of course, we also take a Wilson Jet basketball on the Racers and Gemini and pass it back and forth whenever the trains are close.
ApolloAndy's avatar
^Being that I'm pretty sure that's against park rules and unsafe, I'd advice not talking about it on buzz, as you're likely to get a stern talking to and/or banned.

Hobbes: "What's the point of attaching a number to everything you do?"
Calvin: "If your numbers go up, it means you're having more fun."

Mamoosh's avatar
Nasai sez: "What?" ;)



Warning going slightly off topic for my own explanation skip to next post if you want.

Ok Im only going to respond to this once, and before I start lets agree to disagree because Im not going to change my view and you wont either but here is my rules for sports:

1. If it has a ball or any ball like object (example puck) and you use it to score some sort of goal its a sport.

2. If rule 1 is not true then the sport must display an obvious athletic talent.

3. Any "sport" that relies on the objective scores of judges as the main basis for determing ranks is not a sport. Im sorry all you divers, figure skaters and gymnists out there you do have some amazing athletic talent but the way your activites are set up the most athletic preformance has a chance of not winning.

Therefore golf, fencing and track/field events are definatly sports. Curling and bowling Im not sure on. Nascar on the other hand definatly is not a sport, driving a car that good while a skill is of the same ilk of playing video games well, thats just the way I am.

Respond however you like I will not replay that though I only put this up to explain my view of Nascar not being a sport.

Now back to roller coasters :)

2022 Trips: WDW, Sea World San Diego & Orlando, CP, KI, BGW, Bay Beach, Canobie Lake, Universal Orlando

Mamoosh's avatar
"1. If it has a ball or any ball like object (example puck) and you use it to score some sort of goal its a sport."

WooHoo! Fascination is a sport! Finally, a sport I'm good at ;)


Fascination like golf is not a sport, it is an activity.

Barry Short- the SoCal, Ohio coaster enthusiast from Virginia who now lives in Florida.

boblogone's avatar
Yeah! An activity, like Baseball, though not according to Touchdown's rules.

I find George Carlin's rule better. If there's a chance of serious GD injury it is a sport.

Hunting, not necessarily a sport. Bow hunting Cape Buffalo or Rhino, definately a sport.

Lord Gonchar's avatar

1. If it has a ball or any ball like object (example puck) and you use it to score some sort of goal its a sport.

So my almost unhealthy obsession with the old Crossfire game I found in the attic doesn't mean I'm pathetic - it means I'm an athlete! ;)

ApolloAndy's avatar
That game was the bomb! But one of my guns broke so the balls just poured out of the mouth onto the field. It was actually pretty cool (for about 5 minutes).

Hobbes: "What's the point of attaching a number to everything you do?"
Calvin: "If your numbers go up, it means you're having more fun."

Vater's avatar
Tiddley Winks is a sport! I knew it!
The Mole's avatar
My life is complete, I now know that my idea of a National Dodge Ball Association will be a true sport according to some guy on a coaster forum! YES!

As for people in line, I just stand there. If they are coaster fans, I'll talk with them. If they want to talk, I will. I don't show off my nack for coasters, nor do I advertise it. If I meet someone really nice and cool, I'll give them some hints.

sport - 1) any activity or experience that gives enjoyment or recreation; pastime; diversion. 2) such an activity, esp. when competitive, requiring more or less vigorous bodily exertion and carried on, sometimes as a profession, according to some traditional form or set of rules, whether outdoors, as football, golf, etc., or indoors, as basketball, bowling, etc.

Straight from Webster's New World.

I never understood the sport/not a sport argument. Why are the people who do things considered "not a sport" so defensive? As if being "not a sport" invalidates the activity or something.

This is especially prevelant when it comes to competitive cheerleading. If you even imply that it's not a sport in a cheerleader's presence, prepare for a haranguing.

[url=""]My blog[/url] You said, "I'm gonna run you down." I heard, "I'm an orangutan."
Mamoosh's avatar
But cheerleading isn't a sport ;)
rollergator's avatar
I wanna know why Moosh said "finally a sport I'm good at" in regards to Fascination.....

Doesn't leapfrog count? ;)

Of course, I agree with Touchdown that Nascar isn't a sport....but my entire family disagrees with me on that. "It's hot in there!" Wouldn't that make competitive sauna-sitting also a sport? ;)

You still have Zoidberg.... You ALL have Zoidberg! (V) (;,,;) (V)

Also living in Arizona would now qualify as a sport.

To answer your question Den, it does make what you do when you play a "real" sport seem trivialized. I stay in as best shape I can, I work on my puck handling and shot, and I have been playing for 16 of my 21 years to get to where I am in hockey. Now, some overweight southerner (yes, stereotype, but you know who I'm talkin about) hops into a car and sits on his butt driving it around in a circle - not even having to turn a different direction mind you! - for 5 hours and calls himself an "athlete". Give me a break.

I worked my butt off to play hockey, I think that's what defines a sport. NASCAR, hunting, fishing, etc. are just NOT sports. Activities? Sure. Fun for some? Why not. But sports? Give me a break.

And on that note, Cheerleading is sort of a sport, but kind of in the same thread as ice dancing or something - its a sport, but the people who play real sports just laugh at it for thinking it's important =) (kind of like coaster enthusiasm ... )

Brett, Resident Launch Whore Anti-Enthusiast (the undiplomatic one)

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