How much does TTD sway?

I've been scouring the internet looking at pictures of this monster since it opened. I get a chance to ride this thing in about a week and a half. Can't wait. My only question is: how much does the tower sway? I remember looking at Xcelerator during Solace and thinking, "man, I know it's supposed to sway, but that thing sways a ton.

So how much does TTD sway when the train crests the hill? I know this is a random question, I'm just curious... :)

Never look a gift horse in the mouth, because horses have very bad breath

It's pretty hard to tell, I mean it IS 420 feet tall. The track does shake moderately when the brakes shoot up on the luanch run, though.

I play in a really awful garage band, but it's still fun.

Not at all. Now what does sway is the launch track and pullout. The pullout sways quite bit but nothign more then say the corkscrew hill on S:ROS

God bless Intamin, Company that I love. Stand beside her, and ride her, from the opening to the closing of the day.

ApolloAndy's avatar
My guess, totally without any actual data, would be none. The entire track is supported, and there's a lot of diagonal trussing going on. Additionally, with Xcelerator's and WT's modifications I'm not sure Intamin's going to be doing the swaying thing too much anymore.

Be polite and ignore the idiots. - rollergator
"It's not a Toomer" - Arnold Schwartzenkoph

True Andy. WT barely sways at all anymore. It does but nothing to the extent it did last year. WT swayed so much more then any of the other impulses in the first place.

God bless Intamin, Company that I love. Stand beside her, and ride her, from the opening to the closing of the day.

Yeah, the end of the launch track sways a lot. You can see the rear end of the train just wiggling back and forth.

Chris Tyson

I figured it probably wouldn't sway as much as Xcelerator used to. I know it's supposed to move a little to keep the track from snapping, but I just wondered if it swayed a lot or a little.

Justin "I'm riding it regardless anyways" Adams

Never look a gift horse in the mouth, because horses have very bad breath

It probably moves a lot more than you think. Ever been at the top of a 1st generation freefall tower in operation? Those things feel like they're walking, but you can't tell from the ground.

My guess is that if you were standing at the top as a train went by, you'd be holding the handrail.

Is that a Q-bot in your pocket or are you just happy to see me?

jkpark's avatar
The top of the TTD tower is built to sway approximately 6 ft. The naked eye may not see it, but the tower really does sway back and forth.


Jeff's avatar
Yeah, I'm sure it moves, but not much. I wouldn't be even the least bit surprised to see support reinforcements in the pull-up by next year, maybe to reduce the lateral movement a bit.

Jeff - Webmaster/Admin - -
"Pray that your country undergoes recovery!" - KMFDM

I was there last sunday and there were very high winds (enough to shut almost every coaster in the park down) and it definitly had a slight amount of sway, but judging by the sway on some of the other coasters, very little


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