Coming in 2003-The Spawn Of Magnum!
Ode to the offseason:
Offseason Offseason what shall I do? Who cares the sun is still shining the sky is still blue! GET A LIFE!
Be polite and ignore the idiots. - rollergator
You must be this dumb to ride Viper. -SFGAdv.
AA (yes, *this* AA) certainly has been quite the wisea** lately, huh? We LIKE that....;)
BTW, there is no need for *attibution* in your sig....Apparently my name's been seen too much around here as is...ROFL...:)
4021 too many times Bill ;)
Coming in 2003-The Spawn Of Magnum!
Ode to the offseason:
Offseason Offseason what shall I do? Who cares the sun is still shining the sky is still blue! GET A LIFE!
Wow ApolloAndy....think i might look up words the the enthusiast dictionary before i post...wouldnt wanna get killed over a word.
2003 season kicks off 3/22 w00t!! PKD here I come!
CoasterCount: 42
Well as you might not have known SFAW is getting half of Shockwave which will be attached to half of Drachen Fire and will be placed on the supports from the defunct Moonsault Scramble to break the record of TTD.
"Enjoy your voyage to the sun on the wings of Apollo's Chariot"
Get a life Brent...:)
coasterdude04, AA is *one of us*...he's in the party posse....we'll vouch for his pedigree even...;) Being a smarta** is just more FUN than being a dumba**....:)
A smartbutt is better then a dumbbutt anyday of the week.
Where my party people at wh00T wh00t!
I do need to get a life
Coming in 2003-The Spawn Of Magnum!
Ode to the offseason:
Offseason Offseason what shall I do? Who cares the sun is still shining the sky is still blue! GET A LIFE!
I Am not the Real CPnut/SeederPoint/Chris Sawyer. Or Am I? No.;)
Well since no on wants to answer your guestion like they have some sense i'll give it a try lol.
Well imo CP/SFMM is the only to parks really capabable of building pretty much what ever they want no matter how big or tall. I know the Busch parks have no problem with money, but I don't know to much about the sizes of the parks nor the areas their in, they also don't seam like their to interested in building rides of that magnitude anyway. Paramount parks, money wouldn't be an issue either but out of the Paramount parks I've been too(PGA, PKI, PCW) PKI is the only one I think would have the room, the market, and the support from the heads of the company for an attraction of that size. Disney, money no problem, but their not interested in attractions like Gigas or Strats. Universial again money no problem and again don't seam interested in the big boys. So i've came to the conclusion that the only parks in the US that's capable, interested in, have the market, and support for an attraction of that magnitude is CP/SFMM.
*** This post was edited by CoasterXfreak on 1/26/2003. ***
Be polite and ignore the idiots. - rollergator
You must be this dumb to ride Viper. -SFGAdv.
(Showtime at the) ApolloAndy....surely you didn't miss the definition of "sarchasm" in the other thread...those *in the know* didn't miss your point at all...
"What we have here is a failure to communicate"....
"That's not my dirt in his chasm."
Or a Guns n' Roses reference.
I didn't miss the sarchasm, but I already mentioned it in another thread, so I figured I should give it a rest.
Be polite and ignore the idiots. - rollergator
You must be this dumb to ride Viper. -SFGAdv.
*** This post was edited by ApolloAndy on 1/26/2003. ***
*** This post was edited by ApolloAndy on 1/26/2003. ***
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