How is track welded together?

I thought that the track is bolted together, and that is is normally supports that are welded to the track. Im not the expert on the welding subject either..

Hey, as long as it sticks, i dont care! whatever works!

#1-MF #2-Apollo's Chariot #3-S:RoS

Welding through most paints results in a high carbon content which makes the weld brittle. It sticks just fine until it cracks and breaks. A few paints are inorganic, but they have their own problems most commonly zinc and silicon.

it is kind of fun seeing this contest to see who can use the biggest words to show they know the most about welding :) just kidding

here's a simple answer to a simple question...

How is track welded?

With a welder.

stoogemanmoe's avatar
Jim, I've never welded thru the paint, but I have seen other people do it and it's really a nasty site to see. I've seen things come apart that have been welded thru the paint. Coasterpunk, Hello brother! I'm not in the union anymore since being laid off. But now I make specs and help people see "about one hour at a time". Pretty ironic huh?

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