How far will coasters go?

How far will coaster designers go, to get the maxium thrill? Within a year or two, we will probably see the Inverted Stand-Up. My question to you is: What will/would be the wildest coaster design (inverted, stand up etc) that will come out within the next few years? Post your thoughts here. Mine would be a "Combo Coaster"= starting out with a floorless nad mid way through switch to inverted, the trains would be equipped with both sets of weel alignments attached to the train. This would be an ultimate thrill ride. *** This post was edited by T.Bupp on 5/13/2000. ***
This can be a simple and complex question. Simple: $$$$, Whatever manufacturers will do to our bodies without our spliens coming out of our mouth's, that brings in cash, will be in. What is our thrill, depends on how extravagant and creative the manufacturers get... Complex: How many thrills CAN be packed into a coaster? The greatest thing about being human is creativity. You don't see apes finding a thrilling way to swing from one tree to another, but they don't kill each other for money either...which one of us is better??

I'm getting way too deep for this buzz...

Anyways...just keep building them and I'll pay money to go on them...

There's nothing like a woodie...
Standing upside-down coasters
People will do a lot but just like woodie said, it comes down to money. Too bad coasters cost so much I would love to see a coaster with six 300ft. drops.
as far as i want them to go[enter evil laugh]
"ahhhh veronica vaughn...," Adam Sandler in Billy Madison
Coaster development, as with most consumer products, is one small step at a time. Now that the 300 foot barrier has been broken, we will probably see parks building coasters only slightly taller. It is not likely that a park will build a 500 foot coaster anytime soon :-(

The good news is that the simulator trend is dying out in favor of real coasters! Real people just are not satisfied to sit in a box that shakes, watching movies of thrill rides.

It really is "Out there"

G&K Roller Coaster and Amusement Park Gateway
I don't really care about the whole bigger/faster bit. Well okay, I DO, but it's not as important to me as LONGER... I realize that for a lot of parks, real estate is at a premium, but I'd be more interested in a coaster that breaks 8,000ft in length than one that hits 400ft in height.

Just my $.02

(So, I guess I'm taking the title of this thread literally... ;) I'm really interested in how FAR coasters will go.)
*** This post was edited by JENOVA on 5/17/2000. ***

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