How does a topic get yanked?

A few hours ago I responded to a topic that asked about the wierdest things you have seen or done at a park. I told a story of a mishap at Magic Mountain that involved a certain illegal green substance. When I went back to coasterbuzz, the topic was not on the board. It wasn't on the board and closed, it was yanked off the board. Maybe someone can tell me why. It wasn't that bad of a story, and c'mon, about three weeks ago there was an 8 page post about beer! What's up with that, Jeff? (I know that this is your site and I respect that.) I would also like to apoligize to the person who started the topic (I forgot who it was). It was a good topic, and I honestly didn't mean to get it yanked.

Coasters and Chronic
What a Combo!

Ride of Steel's avatar

I agree with you about the situation but complaining won't get you anywhere. Trust me. Jeff won't do anything about it so its not worth your time to post these threads. Trust me, I don't like how he runs the site either, we all have opinions, but fighting him won't get you anywhere.

I think it is beacause it was about drugs.
I'm realy not trying to fight. I just don't want to get more topics yanked. But, I still think it's hypocritical to let people talk about how they were drunk on a coaster, but if someone mentions something green, POOF, the topic is up in smoke.

Coasters and Chronic
What a Combo!

I got 10 bucks saying this one will be yanked......

I'm right with ya DJVICDOGG. Although this is Jeffs site I'd like to know why some topics get yanked when they seem harmless to me. I don't agree with you and the "green substance" but some people do it and you shouldn't treat them any different than you would to some one else. I don't think threads should get yanked but alteast they should be closed with an explanation of why they were.

For example the recent Save The Whizzer Petition thread was closed because he said it was pointless. Although I do appreciate him giving a reason for him closing it, I totaly dissagree.

One thing I've learned (adults have told me to do this, so don't yell at my older folks) is to question authority. So I'm gonna ask.... Should Jeff really be able to close something, even though it's on his site, that only he thinks is something that shouldn't be displayed. I say there should be no threads yanked or closed. It's good to talk to others freely and not have someone come up and destroy what you think because they dissagree. You learn by talking to others and hearing what they have to say.....not what Jeff has to say.

Gas to get to PKI, $5.60. ACE card for walkback, $50.00. Meeting up with Beastnum1 and drinking 20 lemonjuice packets, priceless

*** This post was edited by PkI FaNaTiC on 8/5/2002. ***

bottom of the line folks....its his site. Leave if you don't like it...

No Limits is every enthusiasts best friend! :)

I like his site but it seems everytime a thread comes up that seems perfectly fine he has to close it.

Gas to get to PKI, $5.60. ACE card for walkback, $50.00. Meeting up with Beastnum1 and drinking 20 lemonjuice packets, priceless

Read the TOS.

1. While I didnt see the topic you mentioned, if it goes against one of the rules in the TOS than it will be closed or deleted.

In the future, if you have a question like this one, please email Jeff or one of the mods. This isnt the place for this.

Ric Flair was hitting on the female host, he told her - "Space Mountain may be the oldest ride in the park, but it has the longest line." WOOOOO!

Closed topic.

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