Hotel operator says Conneaut Lake Park trustees need to go

Posted | Contributed by VitaminsAndGravy

Volunteer trustees in charge of Conneaut Lake Park are not properly maintaining or improving it or paying its delinquent property taxes, said Greg Sutterlin, of Conneaut Lake-based Park Restoration LLC. The 121-year-old amusement park has fire-damaged buildings, other buildings "literally rotting and falling to the ground" and tree roots growing through the midway, Sutterlin said in a new posting on the Hotel Conneaut Facebook page, and in electronic mailings sent Tuesday night.

Read more from The Erie Times-News.

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The Facebook debacle is enough evidence to show that CLP has a serious management problem. Posting a statement like that makes CLP sound very defensive (in a guilty way), and it created an unnecessary uproar from the public. There is always a need for company transparency, but there is also a degree of professionalism that needs to be upheld. This three-way mud-slinging match between CLP/Board of Trustees, supporters of Park Restoration, and the general public is doing nothing but making the situation worse, and a huge PR nightmare. If anything, they should have kept their mouths shut until real evidence of a real payment plan was in place. If the public were to badger their Facebook anyways, they can simply respond, "We will inform you when we have our plan approved," or something of the sort.

It's sad to see the real possibility of all the time and effort put into restoring Blue Streak going to waste. However, seeing every one of the operators for that ride chain smoking the entire time is just another example of how once again serious professional management is lacking. Ghost Lake is also a poorly run event that I think will actually start to negatively affect CLP (I know it's an outside vendor). After having one good experience in 2010, it has gone by the wayside in 2011 and 2012 due to a collective lack of effort and shortened haunts each year. They should count their blessings on this event, because the collectively negative vibes from the guests were mounting during my 2012 experience especially.

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