Hotel gouging customers during Holiwood Nights? (HW)

I just pulled up that same Motel6's rates for next Saturday...the lowest internet rate is $71.39 per night and their "base rate" is $83.99. So, no, they did not jack up the rates for Holiwood Nights, nor the Memorial Day weekend...

--George H

Mamoosh's avatar
I was at the HW Nights event this weekend and stayed at the Motel 6 Chitown mentions in his post. I booked the room on the chain's website about a month before HWN was announced and paid a special internet rate of $51.99 plus tax.

And Gonch...where was ya? Two days at Holiday World and we don't meet? WTF is up with that? ;)

You must not listen to the podcast Moosh. Gonch isn't going anywhere until maybe mid June.

My band "The Cedar Kings". "Ordinary Day" a trip report in song.

Mamoosh's avatar
Nope...I don't listen to the podcasts.
Yeah, but Moosh, if you book that many months in advance at ANY hotel, you will get a better deal than a week before or even worse as a "walk-in."

--George H

Lord Gonchar's avatar
Yeah, Gonch isn't getting anywhere for a few more weeks. Slow start this year. What can I say?

Guess I'll have to make up for it in the mid-to-late season. :)

Here's another little hotel secret. If the area is particularly slow, you might get a better rate than booking in advance by just showing up as a walk-in. Granted there's a gamble there, but any hotel would rather give you that $109 room for $79 than let it go empty - especially if much of the hotel is empty that evening and definitely if many of the hotels are running slow.

If they don't, then they don't know what they're doing. :)

Honestly, It's not gouging when your the only game in town. Why does Nascar charge 200 bucks a ticket for Bristol? Because they can and have a two year waiting list.

Me and My brother took a trip sunday night out to Haubstat IN for a Dirt track race. there were several hotels along the way and its only a hour to the IL state line. It's all very drivable IMHO if you don't want to deal with raised prices for a time when they all know they are going to sell out closeby.

Chuck, who considered his 3 nights at Lake rudolph a good bargain for 102 bucks despite totally unacceptable filfhy restrooms at the camp store all weekend. I used the other ones :)

rollergator's avatar

Lord Gonchar said:

Price gouging is when a hurricane hits Florida and residents need a place to stay and a hotel bumps up to $500 a night.


...and "politics" is how they get away with that... ;)

My insurance company paid a king's ransom to two companies that gouged like CRAZY when the house Frances. I reported them to the State Commissioner (even though it wasn't "my" money), never heard a WORD back about either instance.

janfrederick's avatar
Sounds like things are light on the supply side. Who wants to front me the dough to open up a hotel in the area? ;)

"I go out at 3 o' clock for a quart of milk and come home to my son treating his body like an amusement park!" - Estelle Costanza
I'm with you jan...problem is that you have to make all your money in 4 months because the rest of the year is SLOW!
janfrederick's avatar
No problem with the prices the other motels seem to be getting away with. ;)

"I go out at 3 o' clock for a quart of milk and come home to my son treating his body like an amusement park!" - Estelle Costanza
Sounds like the cost of "leaving the light on for you" goes up and down depending on the time of year.

If you want your jaw to drop-- try reserving a room next to Times Square for New Years Eve. Your jaw will drop again when you realize that there are people who can and do pay those rates. :)

Hey Im only an hour from Knoebles, and 45 min from Dorney for 20 bucks you can sleep on my sofa but the beer in the frige is extra.

I miss Drachen Fire

BG Nut, I'll have to take you up on that :)


Lord Gonchar's avatar
Here's another example.

The hotel my wife is currently at normally runs around a $159 or $189 a night rate.

For the MLB All-Star game this year (in Pittsburgh) they're at $289 with a 5 night minimum and non-refundable deposit for the room.

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