Hot Kennywood trip. July 22, 2002

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I called a good friend from work Sunday and asked if he was interested in going to Kennywood Monday. He said ok. It was kinda a last minute decision.

We arrived about twenty to eleven, got our ride all day passes and headed to the Phantom's Revenge. It was now about quarter till. The ride opened right on time and we headed in. One train operation, you could see someone working on the other train. We got on the third train out of the station. This ride is great. Lots of air. I still can't keep my arms in the air as we pass under the Thunderbolt. Especially after I slapped my hand on the Cedar Creek Mine Car ride last year at Cedar Point. Looks like your going to loose your head going under the Thunderbolt.

Pit Fall was still closed so we went over to the Thunderbolt and were on in short order.

Next, we went to the Racer, but it was not open yet, so we headed to the Jackrabbit. Another great ride on a great old coaster.

Boy it was getting hot. We headed over to the Log Jammer to cool off a bit. We did not get very wet and quickly dried of on our second ride on the Phantom. Still one train operation, but the crowd was still lite so we had about a four train wait.

The Pit Fall was now open so we hit that next. Boy, from the top of the tower, you can really see the damage left to the surrounding area by that terrible storm in May. So many trees gone. Houses still needing repair, Tarps covering a couple of roofs, porch roofs gone, some new roofs with tar paper, but no shingles yet, just a lot of damage. My heart really goes out to those people. Sometimes we forget how good we have it.

Back to the park. We were now dry from the last water ride so we headed over to the Pittsburgh Plunge. This was much more effective in getting us wet and cooling us off.

From the Plunge, we headed over to the Racer. It was open now so we took a ride. In the queue, we saw the green train win two out of three runs, so we took the back seat on the green train and we won. In fact, we one two out of the three races we were on with the green train.

More rerides on various coasters, some freshly squeezed lemonade and a hot sausage sandwich with some of Kennywood's famous fries for lunch. It was really hot out now. After a ride on the Enterprise, we took a trip on the Raging Rapids. The raft turned so that I was under the falls, hit the wall and kinda stopped for a second. It felt good. No water cannons at the end though. Whats up with that? They were there, just not working.

We went back over to the Phantom. By now, there were more people in the park, but the line was not very long at all, barely out of the station, and they had put the second train back into service. I just can't get enough of this ride.

All in all, It was a great day. The longest line was for the Raging Rapids. Many people got off and simply reentered the line. It was a great way to beat the heat. It was one of the hottest days of the summer. Kennywood is a great park and knows how to keep people happy in their limited amount of space. We rode and rerode all day.

The worst day at Cedar Point is better than the best day at work.

Cool TR! I'm going to KennyWood in October.


Soggy's avatar
Nice to see the Phantom with a 2 train operation. I was there in May, and there was a good 30 minute wait, with a one train operation. I didn't mind waiting that much, this coaster is worth waiting for! It became my #1 Hyper.

Nothing... NOTHING... can prepare you for... the Fourth Dimension!

*** This post was edited by Soggy on 7/23/2002. ***

Great that there was a short wait for PR especially on such a hot day. That is probably my biggest (and only!) complaint about Kennywood is that the queue area for PR has no shade. Were they making you wait in the queue at all, or did they allow people to line up on the bridge?
No wait in the queues. Line wasn't long enough. Line did not even reach the queues. Great thing about weekday trips to parks. Only long line was Raging Rapids.

The worst day at Cedar Point is better than the best day at work.

Good TR. I hope I can get to Kennywood some day.

Steel: 1)MF, 2)Goliath, 3)Magnum
Wood: 1)Villain, 2)Beast, 3)Roar(SFMW)

I like Kennwood better than Cedar Point- as a park, but CP has some great stuff, except that I found Phantom's Revenge to be even better than Magnum.


Just wish our homepark would let us know what is going in for next year. Im excited!

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