Honeymoon Pt 6-The Finale (long)

Associated parks:

Due to time and money issues and restraints , parts 3, 4 and 5 will not be written and we will skip straight to part 6. Ok, I was excited for Star Wars to come out today on DVD.

The wife and I woke up on Thursday morning waiting for Riverview Park and Mt Olympus to open up so we grabbed a bite to eat down the road at McDonalds.

First stop was a quick ride on Galaxi over at Riverview Park. This ride reminds me so much of the Super Screamer (now Screeming Mummy). I loved this ride and wished that my home park would bring it back. As we were leaving the park, the day of infamy would begin.

There was a teenage worker in a booth and we walked by and she said "would you like some free stuff" Well of course I said yes but my spouse said no so then the girl looked at my wife and said "What you don't like free stuff" Somehow I convinced her to look at the free stuff not knowing what we were getting ourselves into. She then went on to ask wha attractions we were going to and I said Mt Olympus which just happened to be on the sheet of free goodies.

The girl then stated all we had to do was go to this hotel out in BFE (butt-farting Egypt to put it nicely) and listen to no more than a 2 hour speech about their hotel since no one knows this thing exists. Of course I said sure lets do it, we would be saving 60 bucks but we would lose time at the park. Thinking it over, I decided we should go ahead and do it due to not having to spend any money. She then gave us directions to the hotel and we would have to wait until 12:00 for our "personal" tour of the hotel.

Amy kept telling me this sounded like a timeshare deal so she called her dad to see what to do. Here is how you get out of it in case you are ever stuck in one: tell them you just took out a house & business loan or you are being audited by the IRS. Luckily, we didn't do either.

Anyways, we end up getting lost going to the hotel as the girl gave us wrong directions so we were like 5 minutes late. At 12:30 the infamy began. We ended up being there for 3 hours but lukcily no matter what they tried to give us we said no. We left with our free tickets and headed to Mt Olympus. I had thought that maybe we should have just forked over the 60 bucks. We get to the park at about 3:45 and notice there are maybe 6 cars in the parking lot. Too cool I thought, unlimited rides on anything in the park.

Well we get up to the window and the lady says "are you sure you want to use these today" What I didn't know is that the time of year we went, the park can close at anytime. Luckily we were able to stay for 3 hours without it shutting down. After we left I knew that I was very lucky not to get stiffed with a timeshare and I was able to do all the go-carts and coasters I wanted to. Ok on to the fun now:

Knowing that I was going to hit my 50th roller coaster, I saved it for the infamous ejector seat at Cyclops. I think the first roller coaster we did was Pegasus. I think we were the only ones on it so we rode multiple times, some in the front, some in the back. 8 out of 10 cheeseheads.


All I can say is holy crap, people were not lying when they said this will throw you out of your seat. I loved this ride, we ended up riding this at least 3 or 4 times in a row. Now I know why you have to be 18 to ride in the back. I give this infinity cool points and 10/10 cheeseheads.

We then went over to Zeus and you could see the mammoth Hades being built. That has got to be the sickest underground coaster known to man. I can't even describe this thing but WOWSERS, I will definitely be back to tame this monster. 8/10 cheeseheads.

The only coaster I didn't like was DTA. It was too slow to start with and I kept panicking at the time that the park was going to close. 5/10 cheeseheads.

We ended the day going on all the go cart tracks. I love the Trojan Horse track and would love to have that in my back yard, Medusa's Drop was also fun. I give them 10/10 cheeseheads.

Overall the park gets a 9.5/10 cheeseheads. The only downfall was their T-shirt selection was terrible. They should have some cool shirts with the coasters on them, I ended up getting a plain Mt Olympus shirt. Maybe they do have cool shirts and I just missed out on them due to the timing of when we went.

For those who haven't been to Mt Olympus, you must go, I will be back for Hades.


Skol Vikings
Let's shoot us some deer Joe Joe!!!!

hi, nice report.
The timeshare things happened to me this summer when my girlfriend and i went to the smokies... we got Dollywood tickets and a free dinner at Golden Corral. like you, we were there about three hours. here's the bottom line: we had the time to do it, so it paid off for us.
no, we didn't buy the timeshare. alls things considered: it was way too much...

Great Lakes Brewery Patron...


My wife and I are heading to Vegas in a couple of months and she says they are everywhere so she said don't go for any free stuff, lesson learned. It wouldn't have been so bad had we known the park would be open late but it was the fact that I could have made a very bad decision but it worked out perfectly.

Skol Vikings
Let's shoot us some deer Joe Joe!!!!

Kick The Sky's avatar
The time share deals aren't always bad. For sitting through two hours of nonsense and getting a free breakfast to boot, I managed to score two free four day hopper passes for Disney down in Orlando. Another time I scored a four night stay at one of the nicer hotels on the Irlo Bronson for free (sure, it wasn't an I-Drive hotel, but it was free). The key to the whole thing is not to ask ANY questions. If you ask ANY questions, that means you're interested and you will end up seeing every closer they got. Just tell them when they are closing the presentation that you're just there for the tickets and most of the time they'll just let you go.

Certain victory.

Too funny Bob, well we didn't ask questions and it still took 3 hours as we got the tour of the "resort" It would be a good deal if we just had not been married and maybe retired or older and had some extra moolah to toss around. I just keep thinking the whole time, free tickets free tickets, half of the time I would just nod my head acting like I was paying attention.

Skol Vikings
Let's shoot us some deer Joe Joe!!!!

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