Home built rollercoaster on tv next week!

Its the blue steel coaster with the vertical loop. I saw the ad for it next Wed at 8 on Ripleys Believe it or not. Has this been on before or is it a new episode? Sorry if its old news I havnt been around lately.
It's called the Blue Flash, and it hasn't been on before.

.:| Brandon Rodriguez |:.

Doesn't Blue Flash have a corkscrew?

Explains why i'm up at 4am in the morning. Too scaried to sleep!

Yes it does, so I think he was mistaken, either way, can't wait to watch it!
I live about 2 hours away from there and I made the trip one day out there to ride it with a friend. The guy is nice as can be and let us on and for being small and homemade it is an awesome ride!

The former CPJunkie. CB Club Member. 120 coasters :)

Where is this coaster?


S:RoS ( SFNE ) is #1!

There is another home-brew coaster in Oklahoma. A blurb and small pic about it can be found here.

*** This post was edited by Camel@Work on 7/11/2002. ***

That would be awesome to ride, you are lucky you only live 2 hours away and got to ride it! Was the ride nice and smooth?

Good Times!! Good Times!!

It's in Vincennes, Indiana

The Beast and Night, They go together like Peanut Butter and Jelly

How far away from Chicago?
Actually, I've already seen it awhile ago on Ripley's Believer It Or Not. It was a pretty short segment on it.
Other end of Indiana. The long end of Indiana.

The Beast and Night, They go together like Peanut Butter and Jelly

Camel@Work said:

There is another home-brew coaster in Oklahoma. A blurb and small pic about it can be found here.

The coaster it is talking about there is Jeremy Reid's roller coaster, I was going to give you a link to his site but it doesnt appear to be working anymore.

So when do these home made coasters get added to RCDB??? :)


These backyard coasters are usually not added to databases or Track Records, because they are not open to the public.

Are they allowed to build rollercoasters on their properties? I would think there is a zoning law prohibiting it somewhere...

I know this woman going to court for building a skateboard half-pipe ramp in her backyard....and that's only a skateboard ramp!!



I'm sure that Jeremy Reid, and the person in Indiana got the proper permits and such before building a coaster.

I also believe that Jeremy Reid worked for Arrow Dynamics.

*** This post was edited by FoF on 7/11/2002. ***

These backyard coasters are usually not added to databases or Track Records, because they are not open to the public.

But you can ride Blue Flash. All you have to do is contact him in advance to set a time. He is more than willing to let people ride. The ride was surprisingly smooth for being homemade.

The former CPJunkie. CB Club Member. 120 coasters :) THE MLB SUCKS!!

Does he charge for rides though? Damn..I wish I had a big backyard...:)




You are right, he actually did some work on the spinning portions of Arrow 4th dimensions that haven't been built yet (his own words).

Off with the trims!
My fellow Americans; Let's Roll!

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