Associated parks:
Kings Island, Mason, Ohio, USA
Holiday World, Santa Claus, Indiana, USA
There have been numerous studies where stores sell some widgets at $5, and some widgets at $4.99, and sell far more of them at $4.99. In effect, many people only pay attention to the first number of a price.
I think it was noted elsewhere that ten years down the line, Thunderbird will be near the center of the park, so the size of the park is going to at least double. I understand Splashin' Safari is a great water park (I'm not a fan of water parks. I went to one. Once. Because we had free tickets to Blizzard Beach.), so they'll presumably continue to build up the water park, as well.
Which tells me management feels they'll be able to draw in larger numbers of customers. Which in turn suggests to me Holiday World will be expanding the scale and scope of its marketing efforts in coming years.
I think it's going to be interesting to see how an expanded Holiday World is going to change the competition in the area. How will Kings Island respond to a larger rival* to the west that advertises free soda and free sunscreen? How will Beech Bend or Indiana Beach compete against a larger rival?
*Meaning a Holiday World larger than the park currently is, not that it would be larger than Kings Island
Life is something that happens when you can't get to sleep.
--Fran Lebowitz
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