Holiday World GM Matt Eckert seriously injured in car crash

Posted | Contributed by Jeff

Matt Eckert, 37, who has worked at Holiday World for 11 years and served as general manager for more than three, was driving south on Ind. 162 in Spencer County in front of Nancy Hanks Elementary School just before 7:30 a.m. when a school bus that had just dropped off students made a left turn onto the highway, pulling in front of him

Read more from The Courier-Journal.

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Good grief. My prayers to Matt and the Holiday World family.

mattwhite924's avatar

I certainly hope that he has a speedy recovery. I just thank goodness that there weren't any more injuries, I mean imagine if that bus would have had kids in it.

rollergator's avatar

Wow. Really sorry to hear this - our prayers go out to Matt, his family, and his HW family as well.

You still have Zoidberg.... You ALL have Zoidberg! (V) (;,,;) (V)

Thank you ... Matt is already showing improvement, so we're very hopeful.

Prayers are appreciated. (Peeps, too. Matt just loves Peeps.)


Paula Werne
Holiday World

LostKause's avatar

Peeps kind of creep me out, especially the red ones for some unknown reason... lol

We've had too many tragedies in the amusement industry lately. Get well soon.

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