Holiday World / Kentucky Kingdom...7/9 - 7/11

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The first two days were at HW, and man were they hot! As far the as coasters were concerned, it was my least productive trip ever to HW. I don't really go for waterparks, but with the heat/humidity, plus a soaked t-shirt in the first half-hour we headed to Splashin' Safari pretty quick. The wait for Zinga was about an hour, but well worth the wait. Jungle Racers was great, (Great decision Will and co.!), did that one three times. Also hit Zoombabwe, Watubee, and spent a lot of time just staying cool in the other new area, Jungle Jets. Back at the park we got a couple of rides in on Legend and Raven each day, as well as, Liberty Launch, Frightful Falls, and Hallowswings. The only unfortunate part of the trip up to this point was our experience staying at Santa's Lodge. It was clear that they, and Holiday World are not linked by anything else but a town, and a theme. But the one thing that stuck out was their lack-of-attention to detail, an area HW excels in. We did go to a place in the little strip mall by HW called Brick Oven Pizza. They had a pizza buffet going on when we got there, and it was good. Plus, really good ice cream. We also went to Kentucky Kingdom on the way home, but outside of Thunder Run, Greezed Lightnin', Chang, and my first ride on a Slingshot it was just another trip to KK. But for anybody out there who has ridden T2 before this season, and also this season, has it gotten a lot worse to you too? I know it's a Vekoma, and they have a wonderful rep with the smoothness of their coasters, but... One thing I was super-impressed with was their enforcing of the rules, (esp. Adam on T2, we was harsh, but only when he had to be). They were all over smoking in the quelines, sitting on rails, and measuring children. I've never personally seen this out of many parks, but esp. at SF.
Sounds like it was hot. Next time I would suggest putting into 2 paragraphs for each park. Was it busy at Sfkk, or HW?
Mamoosh's avatar
Just an FYI, Santa's Lodge is now a Baymont Inn & Suites owned property...perhaps that's the reason for the lack of quality?

*** Edited 7/13/2004 11:34:07 PM UTC by Mamoosh***

T2 seemed to give me more headbanging in May this year than it did back in October last year. I could have been riding a different train though this year than last. Honestly, last fall I was amazed at how smooth it was and wondered what all the whining was about til I rode it this year. None the less I still enjoy a good spin on it.

DId Thunder Run get any greasing yet? Man was it ever screeeeeching and squealing back in May.

I survived a Japanese typhoon and the Togo flat ride of death!!!!!!
I am sorry to all of you for the lack of spacing and not putting stuff into paragraphs but for some reason unknown to me my enter button does not work on the Coasterbuzz mess. board. Does anyone know how to solve this problem? Just to answer you Thrillerman. Thunder Run is still squealing like crazy, but the ride is still pretty incredible! And thanks Mamoosh for the FYI, I didn't know about it.
Poor Thunder Run. Such a great coaster to be so overlooked and uncared for. How hard is it for the maintenance people to get a bottle of grease and take a spin on it to spray the track?

I survived a Japanese typhoon and the Togo flat ride of death!!!!!!
I am currently in charge of operations at Thunder Run, as well as the three sattelite rides in the area. You must have been there the day that I actually called Technical Services about a horrid screeching sound that I remember hearing a few weeks ago. The tech told me it was because the tracks needed greasing and the following day during their morning inspection, the tracks were greased and are greased every other day now. I have not yet heard that screeching sound since.

Thank you all for your concerns, as all of us at Six Flags Kentucky Kingdom care for the safety, and satisfaction of all of our guests who come to the park. *** Edited 8/1/2004 1:20:29 PM UTC by SFKKThunderRun***

Well, that caught me off guard! But I hope the care for that coaster continues, it's a gem. When I go to SFKK it's the one ride I look most forward to there.
"One thing I was super-impressed with was their enforcing of the rules, (esp. Adam on T2, we was harsh, but only when he had to be). They were all over smoking in the quelines, sitting on rails, and measuring children."

That is good to know, as i am the supervisor of that whole area (from the giant wheel all the way around to blizzard river), so it makes me proud anytime i see any of my people get compliments.. on message boards or at the park, but it's a shame Adam no longer works with us. Thanks and have a nice day.


Thanks SFKK've got a couple of gems there at the park. Glad to hear TR is gettin' some TLC lately. I'd love to ride it again now that it's all greased up. GL is a classic Schwarzy you guys should be very proud to have as well. Any plans to paint Chang?

I survived a Japanese typhoon and the Togo flat ride of death!!!!!!
Wow! Two SFKK supervisors jump in on one topic. I'm impressed. The last time I went to the kingdom, (which was the day before BeastBuzz) I found everything to be running in pretty good form. Both sides of TT were running and actualy racing which impressed the crap out of me. TR was running super fast and delivered a top notch ride that day too. It had been close to 2 years since I had actually been to this park and I'm really glad I decided to give it another chance as I think this park has picked up some of the former slack and is heading in the right direction for once. Keep up the good work SFKK because it IS being noticed.

This ain't no book you can close, when the big light hits your eyes. Cropduster-Riot Act-Pearl Jam
Thank you so much for the compliments! You have no idea how much it means to us for people to be saying that, especially because of all the trash-talk we hear about how much our park "sucks" because of the lack of rides, and the "crappy" location.

We all try very hard to make our guests happy, and people like you guys that let us know our efforts are being appreciated really make it worth while! Thanks a whole bunch!

Ride of Steel's avatar

SFKKThunderRun said:
We all try very hard to make our guests happy, and people like you guys that let us know our efforts are being appreciated really make it worth while! Thanks a whole bunch!

Yeah that is what is important. Just focus on that. You can't add new rides because you aren't in that position. It's not your fault and you can't doing anything about it. Just try to make people happy and thats all you can do. And when ever you can, have two train operation, people REALLY appreciate it.

At darien lake I don't really like the park not only because of the lack of coasters but because of a management that doesn't listen. THAT is why I get mad at the park. If it was under different management it would be alot more fun.

I think something SFKK needs badly is some family oriented rides (giant flats, sally dark ride, ect..) That would really breath a lot of new life into the park and switch it from being a summertime babysitting operation (where parents just drop of their kids/teenagers for the day) to a family destination. I really don't think the height issue would come into play here too bad either. Perhaps one of the most fitting things the park could acquire would be one of those coasters where water is involved. (the name of the one I'm thinking of is on the tip of my tongue but I just can't get it out. I think it's at HersheyPark! if I'm not mistaken) This would add not only a coaster element, but a water ride too. Not to mention it's something most of the family could have fun on.

I'm sure we could go on and on here about what SFKK really needs couldn't we? I'm just happy to see that the park is doing better than in previous years.

This ain't no book you can close, when the big light hits your eyes. Cropduster-Riot Act-Pearl Jam
I've stayed at Baymont Inn and Suites a few times and the rooms and hotel have always been very clean. I've never had any problems with them.


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