Holiday Park, Germany (4-17-03)

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Well, I finally got a chance to zip down the road to Holiday Park...the first trip to my new home park! It's about 50 miles away and takes about 45 minutes to get to....very nice.

Overall impressions: This is a small, but very friendly feeling park. It has a small number of rides, but the rides they do have cater to every type of parkgoer, from thrill seeker to kid. Very nice landscaping, and the cleared areas around Expedition GeForce are very cool, because they give you about every vantage point imaginable from which to watch the coaster. Since I'll be able to go back fairly regularly, I spent today riding just the big 3 attractions:

Super Wirbel:
This is a nice Vekoma corkscrew, and is actually pretty smooth despite its age. The corkscrews themselves are extremely smooth, and the ride gives two very nice pops of airtime, which was very unexpected.

Free Fall Tower:
This is a very standard drop ride, and has nothing particularly amazing that stands out...except that this is the first of this exact type that I've ridden (ie, just a car on the side of a tower). It's a pretty darn high tower (over 190 feet), and has a great view, and a good drop, but it's up, picture time, drop, and finished.

Expedition GeForce:
Wow. No, really. WOW. What a way to kick off the 2003 season. I knew this was going to be a good ride...every recent Intamin that I've been on has been excellent, but this is one hell of a coaster. I'd rank it just a hair below Millennium Force, and I have to say the drop is better than MF's. I think the drop on EGF is the best drop on any coaster I've ridden. Maybe I just like airtime + laterals at the same time, but the twisting drop provides such amazing forceful air, you just can't believe you're still in your seat. Looking at the track, it's hard to see how they came up with the 82 degree angle on the drop, since you can clearly see part of the track completely vertical from the line. (up, down vertical...the train is actually tilted to the left a bit, but still going straight's odd). Anyway, the coaster provides 7 outstanding airtime hills, with a twist at the top of another that provides a brief stint of airtime with the lateral movement. An absolutely excellent coaster...I rode it 4 times.

The day was short...I spent just over 4 hours at the park, but got 4 rides in on Exp. GF, and had a nice, relaxing afternoon. The Park wasn't very crowded, of course, despite the outstanding weather (about 78 degrees and sunny). Lines were very short, but EGF had a 15-30 minute wait because the orange train broke down, and they ran 1 train the rest of the day (they moved it off the track when I was 2 trains away...but I got to see the transfer track in action). One very curious thing I noticed was the very strict size limits on Expedition GeForce...if you are over 37cm thick (back to front), you can't fit. I am not in any way obese (36 inch waist), but I BARELY was able to buckle the seatbelt...another inch or so, and I'd have been out. There were quite a few people who couldn't buckle up, and that was the ride. Kind of rediculous, in my opinion. Overall, a great day, and I'm sure I'll be going back several times this summer! Now to seek out the other bazillion small German parks (which are all much, much further away).


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*** This post was edited by Jman 4/17/2003 11:42:25 AM ***
*** This post was edited by Jman 4/17/2003 11:50:52 AM ***

I have yet to see a bad thing said about Expedition GeForce. That coaster looks amazing. I'm sure it's got one of the best drops if not the best on a steel coaster.

I'd love to make it to Germany sometime, as would every coaster enthusiast, I'm sure. I don't really get the tight resitrictions with the seat belts. Maybe they don't want to risk anyone falling out. They want that belt to be tight. Too bad for people who don't fit.

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