Hey how does everyone like Fright Fest at the Six

Man.. i think Fright Fest is the best time to visit six flags!!!
I love the American Eagle at SFGRAM!!!!
It is to freakin crowded.

Chitowns 6 year old daughter says "Daddy, Dippin Dots are nasty!!" I must say that I agree!!
wow.. i went last year and it wasn't crowded at all. had a blast!!

I love the American Eagle at SFGRAM!!!!
Last year I went to Fright Fest at Magic Mountain the day before Halloween. (It was a monday.) There was nobody there, although, there were lines for the Hanuted Houses.

coasterdude16 said:
"wow.. i went last year and it wasn't crowded at all. had a blast!!

I love the American Eagle at SFGRAM!!!!"

I have went for the last 3 seasons and it was crowded. During Frightfest of 1999 we went on a Saturday, it was cold, like 45 degrees, wind blowing hard and a threat of rain. Guess what? It was still freakin crowded. I guess the Taco Bell promotion of buy one get one free brought everyone out. While I like the setup that they do during this event, I dont like the crowds there.

Chitowns 6 year old daughter says "Daddy, Dippin Dots are nasty!!" I must say that I agree!!
I personally like Holiday in the Park as the best time... Nice and cold, and virtually empty. I don't know how many parks have this event however, on account of the colder weather up north.

.:| Brandon Rodriguez |:.
Fright Fest at Six Flags Darien Lake was a freakin' joke in 2000, and I think it will be the same way in 2001.

It was great in 1998 before it was branded as Six Flags, and even better in 1999. But when 2000 Fright Fest came, they eliminated so much, that it was basically just like having half the park open with hay all over the place for 20 bucks.

They took out the main haunted house, some Dr. Decrypts House of Horrors, the haunted hay ride, and made the Brutal Planet a waste of money because it was lame compared to when Alice Cooper had his name branded on it (the 1999 season). Oh yeah, and they got different actors for the halloween show, which wouldn't be so bad... if it wasn't the exact same show for the 3rd year in a row!!!

Sad thing... they didn't replace it with anything else!

Last season, it was a waste of time and money because I didn't have a season pass... this year... if they don't improve, it'll just be a waste of time!
The Great Escape... Soon to become Six Flags Adirondack Escape!!!
It's early July, and you're asking how everyone likes Fright Fest? Ok, at SFA some nights have been fairly empty, but other nights, even when it was freezing cold out, have been very crowded. While I didn't do Brutal Planet last year, I did do the haunted hayride with Wild One (his idea) and it was excellent! They actually had some genuine scares and good props. With the construction of Batwing though, I'm not sure where they'll have it this year.
Batwing-Bow Down
My Home park is SFGAdv and in 2000 it was so lame! really it was the same park exspect a littel colder and some degerations oh yea the biggest changed it had was music playing in skull mountain and a sec of strobe lights thats it!brutal planet was just stupid i heard more scary noises when i use to live in a apartment from the neighbors then i heard in brutal planet and it was just anoying becuase this stupid zombie girl was banging a pot with a huge metal spoon right in my ear i was like you mind i know ur trying to scare me but its not working ur just rupchering my ear drum! and she backed off with the pot and ban banging. the only thing that really got me in there was a guy who poped out the wall and that was it. it would have been ok if the line wasent 2hrs long. i think fright fest use to be much much better before time warner bought them out! now its just all comershal garbage! plus its just a sceam to get peopel to viset on the off season!
At SFWoA everything is packed. I waited 3.5 hours to get in to BP, and the only reason it was fun was because i brought in a twig of an evergreen tree and went "brutal" on the fake things, i accidentaly hit the girl in the TV room (whoops!) I waited 1 hour for Villain. I think the only reason i go every year is to see the sign that says "Freak FLIcks" where the "L" & the "I" are to close making it look like something different.

HurricaneGeauga- Just in case
fright fest at great adventure is great i loved it, it does get pretty crowed, but hey its worth it.

Hershey park happy Hershey park proud
so much fun stuff to see and do Hershey Hershey Park:)
ice411girl said:
"fright fest at great adventure is great i loved it, it does get pretty crowed, but hey its worth it.

I thought it was fun to and,my then 2year old loved it :)

"A Crazy female Coaster Fanatic"

I love frightfest at SFMW. The park is empty, and they turn their roaring rapids ride into river of fear. The park is usually EMPTY.
There is no such thing as inner peace. There is only nervousness and death.
Fright Fest @ SFMM is so much better than Halloween Haunt @ KBF...its less crowded, plus Magic Mountain has Colossus going BACKWARDS!!! How awesome is that? *** This post was edited by UpsideBlue on 7/3/2001. ***
At SFOT Fright Fest is not all it's cracked up to be, and it is kinda crowded. The best time to go is in Sepetember before Holiday In The Park.

Dawg Byte said:

it was basically just like having half the park open with hay all over the place for 20 bucks.


LOL! well, you know, they gotta pay for that hay somehow! BTW Alice Cooper haunted house?! Cool!
Ozzfest 2001: The greatest show on earth!
Fright Fest is mad cool, I love the eerie music, and how it's chilly outside, it's just got an unmatchable vibe in SFGAM, sure it's crowded, but what are you going to do?

Ozzfest 2001: The greatest show on earth!
I have never been to SFMM's fright fest. I am pretty sure that Halloween Haunt at the farm is much better, though I would probably go just for the novelty of riding colossus backwards! Plus I can count it for my track record just like the GRP. :)

"Clear, Dispatch"
Fright Fest is awesome, but notbing is better then Knott's Scary Farm. Although SFMM puts up a good fright.
Dont get me wrong, while I dont like the crowds at Fright Fest, I do like the atmosphere.
1. Colombia Carousel with the blood red pond and the sticks with flames coming out of them.
2. The "Halloween with Michael Myers" music played throughout the park.
3. Southwest Territory now becomes Southwest Scaritory.
4. Chubasco ride now transforms into a dark ride with flashing lights and a loud and cool hard beat tune.
5. Demon transforms back to its glory days with the original music and bloodred waterfall.
6. The Ameri-go-round transforms to the Amer-goul-round with ghosts riding on the horses. You cant ride it but its cool to look at.
7. The picnic grove transforms to a haunted setting. Lots of cool features in this area.
8. The Roaring Rapids transforms with blood red water during the ride. "Only water ride open during this event".
9. The haunted train ride.

Yes, I do like the park in this state. I just dont like how popular it has become. CROWDS SUCK!!!!
Oh, I forgot to mention that the one thing that is worse than the crowds during this event is "THEY DONT SERVE BEER"!!!!!!!!

Chitowns 6 year old daughter says "Daddy, Dippin Dots are nasty!!" I must say that I agree!! *** This post was edited by Chitown on 7/5/2001. ***

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