Hershey's "Got Cow Names?" Winner Announced

Lord Gonchar's avatar

Don't know how many or if any of you tried to get in on it, but they annouced the winning names today.

But just in case you're too lazy look they're Gabby, Harmony and Olympia.

(yes, the names of the cows in the reworked Chocolate Ride is important ;) )

rollergator's avatar
How about Bessie, Elmer, and Norman ?

With the B-E-N acronym, they could even have Ben and Jerry's samples... :)

Oh, I'm too late? Ah well, next time!

I would have picked Roller Soaker but it was already taken. :)

Best part is the winner won a 3-day 2-night vacation to Lancaster County, which from Enola (her location) is about 35 miles.

Lord Gonchar's avatar
Ha! That is great.

You won a vacation to luxurious...ummm...down the road! (awkward smile)

Of course, maybe if you live in Enola, you don't get out much and Lancaster County is the other side of the world.
I know this is a little off topic, but does anyone know the results of the Hershey RCT3 building contest?
Ya^, you lost:) JK. They won't announce that until June. *** Edited 3/29/2006 11:52:48 PM UTC by CD***
Yeah, i wasn't concerned with winning. I was just interested to see the winning designs. I saw something on the site that winners would be decided March, 15, so i was just wondering.
Did this appear on the Hershey emailing list? I've never heard of it before today.
coasterqueenTRN's avatar
I didn't realize there was a contest. Oh well. I would of picked "Beef!" "Moo!" and "Milk!"

This is why I am not in charge of naming cattle, or even coasters for that matter. ;-)


Only problem with the ice cream thing Rollergator is that Hershey's does or did at one time have a line of ice cream that was marketed regionally
How udderly ridiculous! (referring to cow naming, not dutchman's post) *** Edited 3/30/2006 6:53:17 PM UTC by RatherGoodBear***
^^ Same last name, no relation to Milton.


I would have picked Breakfast,Lunch, and Dinner.

Or Jacket, Belt , and Wallet.

I miss Drachen Fire

I would have picked Elsie, from the California Cows commercial. I <3 that commercial, soo funny.

CP was amazing, going back next June to ride Maverick

^ Borden might not like that idea-- or whoever they're a subsidiary of now.

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