HersheyPark's water coaster has a name


This was posted on URC by user PA.
The name is Roller Soaker.

go to http://www.hersheypark.com/watercoaster.html

This may cross in the submission of another News and/or another General Buzz, if so, sorry.

I know you rider
Gonna miss me when I'm gone



Clever, but sounds very childish. Maybe that's what they were going for?

Either way I'll be in line for it, I loved Super Saturator and I'm sure this will be better. Hersheypark rocks!

Cedar Piont is nothing with out MF. Come to SFMM and see whats happening. Just give us a Giga coaster and bam. CP out of the pic.



Dang! I was hoping they would call it "Hershey Squirts". :)


Bigboy... LMAO!!!!!


bigboy said:
Dang! I was hoping they would call it "Hershey Squirts".

This is what I was hoping for.





Someone better tell COASTERnet that there still buidig it.
Montu, God Of Coasters

Raging Bull, Don't Fight It, Ride It


Intamin Fan

I think my friend Matt had this name also. He thought it was kind of stupid. If only he had submitted it earlier...All I can say is that they better let you ride in a swimsuit. That's the only way I'm getting on it.


kpjb's avatar
Ugh... all those submissions and that was the best they came up with?  How disappointing.
"Reality" is the only word in the language which should always be used in quotes.

Coaster Fantom

I agree it is a stupid name.. I am sure they had better suggestions than that...


Isn't "Hosedown" better?;)


Well...well...well... yet another name from Hersheypark that sounds childish and silly.  However, the way things are going at the park, the name is entirely appropriate.  Oh well, I'm sure the ride will be tons of fun.
Rollercoaster -PA

go with gravity

That's right Intamin Fan. I came up with Roller Soaker along with many others who did too like you told me. Yes I sent in that name as a joke, now it is the official name of the coaster. That will be neat, riding a coaster that I also named the same thing. Just so you know, I was not responsible for Sooperdooperlooper. I wasn't alive then.
Gravity is your friend while riding a coaster. Your enemy when you trip and fall off a cliff.


go with gravity said:
"That's right Intamin Fan. I came up with Roller Soaker along with many others who did too like you told me. Yes I sent in that name as a joke, now it is the official name of the coaster. That will be neat, riding a coaster that I also named the same thing. Just so you know, I was not responsible for Sooperdooperlooper. I wasn't alive then."

Don't laugh at the name sooperdooperlooper... it could have been worse. The story goes that J.B.McKinney, the then top man at the park, had narrowed it down to two names... sooperdooperlooper and Merry Derry Dips (or was it Merry Derry Dipper). Anyway, he claimed that he liked Merry Derry Dipper better, but his wife and kids "over ruled" him and the name sooperdooperlooper was chosen. The lesser of two evils.

"I wasn't always this cynical, but then I started kindergarden..."



Intamin Fan said:
"All I can say is that they better let you ride in a swimsuit. That's the only way I'm getting on it."

I would be suprised if they dont. Saturator @ Carowinds lets you wear a swimsuit. Also, I *think* you can wear a swimsuit on Tidal Force as well.
--who hopes to God they make dudes wear shirts though...

Rob Ascough

Sounds like a fun name for a fun ride.  Its what we have come to expet from Hersheypark, and I don't think too many people will complain about that.

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