Hersheypark/August 14

Associated parks:

We arrived at the Hershey Lodge around 9, checked in and then got to the park around 9:30. I was afraid that the park would be crowded because of the wonderful weather and it was unfortunatly. It stayed like that for the rest of the day.

Anyway on to the rides....ill rate from 1-10 1 being the worst and 10 the best...

Wildcat-Average wait...15mins. This was the most amazing roller coaster i have been on in my life. The ride was rough and out of control and the airtime was very longlasting. The station crew was very cheary and moved fast.The ride was great...10/10

Lightning Racer- Average wait...15 mins. I thought the racing concept was cool but the ride seemed to tame and there was to much turning instead of airtime(which i prefer) I dont kno why so many people think their trains are amazing. The bar goes down to far and blocks off leg room. I thought the first couple drops of the ride were good airtime but after that the ride was kinda boring. Great family ride but not my cup of tea. 7/10

Roller Soaker-25 min wait. I think this ride was the perfect addition to the park. It gives the guest an area to get wet and cool off. The ride was pretty fun but to short and slow. Like i said before great family ride but nothing i would go crazy about. 6/10

The Claw-30 min wait. I thought this ride was great!... It looked amazing all lit up at night and rode good to. The floater time was crazy and lasted longer than i thought. Definatly the best flat ride i'v been on...9/10

Great Bear-Average wait...25 mins. Walking into the park seeing this ride just makes me smile. The way it weaves through comet hollow and the size of it is amazing. I think the helix thing at the top is a unique start but the ride doesnt last long.I thought the placing of the on ride photo was cheesy though. The ride was good overal. 7/10

Superduperluper- Average wait...5 mins. Nice little family ride w/ a pop of air in the fisrt drop and intense loop. I also thought the helix into the rock wall was neat to. Great family ride but not to much of a thriller. 7/10

Comet-Average wait...30 mins. I thought the ride was very fun and had alot of airtime. The floater airtime on the 3rd hill was amazing and surprised me. The creaked alot going up the lift which gave a cool afect. The inside of the station was very cool looking and gave a clasic look...Overal 9/10

I skipped the trailblazer because i have already been on it beore and was aroud a 30 minute wait w/ one train and also skipped the sidewinder because iv been on enough headbanging boomerangs.

The parks food was great and there were plenty of varieties. I also loved the landscaping of park but think the new coaster new year is gonna ruin the peacfullness of that area of the park.

The park is def my favoriot park and im looking forward to going back next year....Oh yea.. does the park have anyspace left to expand on because a waterapark in the area would be very popular?

did anything happen there with the power?
No...but i noticed alot of people were talking on cell phones about it.

Coaster count:47 top3 wood:Wildcat(HP) , Boulder Dash, GreatWhite
top3 steel: Steel Force, Nitro, S:ROS@ SFNE

The power at HP went off twice (that I know of) in the week or two before the blackout.
Yes, the power did indeed go off twice the week before the blackout.

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