hersheypark in the dark 10/26

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I was supposed to go to Dorney park on this day, but my family decided to push that back a day and go to hershey instead. at about 5 o'clock, I arrived at my home away from home with my son, boyfriend's mother and sister, and my future sister in law. we didn't get to go on many rides, so i'll just give a brief rundown. I rode all these one time.

Looper- 2 train wait- This ride was definately faster now then any other time I had ridden it. The brakes before the helix weren't on (at least I couldn't feel them if they were on) and this just kept the train soaring into the helix.

Great Bear- 15 minute wait- front seat- My future sister in law and I had a great ride even though she was saying mommy through the whole thing. i don't know what else to say but wow.

Comet- 2 train wait- This is a great old coaster. I could feel myself flying out of my seat on almost every hill and turn before the trim on the turnaround by the station. Almost got a reride, but had to go to the carrousel to ride with the family.

Total for the night: 3 rides on 3 coasters, a ride on flying falcon, a ride on the carrousel, and a trip to the zoo.

Very cool way to end the season!

See THE ULTIMATE in Orlando TR'S! Right now in the TR fourm!

I've found the best time to go to HP in the Dark is on Thursday night (Friday night being a close second). All night long the looper is pretty much a walk on as well as the Comet (though it can get lined up a bit on Friday nights). Saturdays are the more crowded days for HP in the Dark.

As for the looper... What is up with that coaster this year? My first rides this year were during Spring Time in the Park and in a light rain. I thought it was fast because of wet tracks. Two visits this summer proved that it was still fast, and 6 rides during HP in the Dark convinced me that, yes, the old looper is running fast this year. Like you said, the trim might have been on, but hardly noticed it and the train kept up speed into the helix. Even had a little air on the crest of the hill before entering the helix.

Kind of hard to take a post as objective if a park or coaster name is part of the "user name"

I wish I could have gone on a Thursday or Friday, but I worked those nights both of the weeks the park was open. Hopefully Looper keeps running fast next season.
What happened to Wildcat and LR?
The midway america section of the park is not open for this event. i wish it was though cuz i would love a late october ride on wildcat and racer.

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