Hersheypark in the Dark 10/24.

Associated parks:

Arrived at 3 pm for a private event. At 4 pm, Fahrenheit opened forus, and I snuck in 2 rides, including the back seat. The coaster wasmuch smoother than in August. 8.5/10.

Off to the Kissing Tower,only about 5 of us on it. Then 2 rides on Great Scare, including thefront row. 9/10. Down to sooperBOOperlooper in last seat. 9/10.Bothcoasters were one train and walk on's.The luck stopped there, and theComet was a 25 minute wait with one train running. Still a greatride.9/10.

Off to the catering, and it was a great meal of madetoorder quesadillas, london broil, pork shanks, baked corn,sweetpotatos, salad and hot cobbler. Excellent meal. 10/10. Man's food.

Offto Storm Runner, 1 train running, and a 3 train wait for the next tolast seat. 8/10. Very smooth. Short, but smooth. Then to Wildcat. 1train running, and a 4 train wait for the middle. Much improvedcompared to the past 2 seasons. 7/10. Keep up with the track work.

Finawalk to Lightning Racer. 2 trains, and a 1 train wait for 2nd seat.Wewon. 9/10. That is a great ride. Its up there with the Kennywood Racerand Gemini as classics.

Kudos to Gary Chubb, HP's Maintenence Director, for keeping the rides in great shape.

Overall,the park was clean, rides were running, food, games, and retail wereopen, and extra security was very present. Dark is the new fun! 9/10.

Last edited by Agent Johnson,

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