Hersheypark 7/21

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Went to HP last monday, tell you what, this is a really nice park. I was amazed at how clean it was. Lots of nice shops, and plenty food joints. Definately will go back next year. Started out riding GB, walk on, 3 times. Sweet coaster just wish it was a little longer. Then we hit some ride that spins you around and goes up in the air. Very cool. After that we hit SDL, for a old coaster it was good, very surprised. Walk on, 3 times. Then came Comet, 1 ride thought it was so/so, walk on. Next was LR, this coaster kicks ASS! Walk on. 4 times. That first drop is sweet. all the banked turns, and hills, it's right up there with ST at MIA. Then came Wildcat. The wife said it didn't look like it was worth the wait.(25 min) but it was , that thing feels alot faster than (what 58 mph)? felt like 65 or so. Nice ride, Seems like all the rides were pretty smooth! Didn't ride the Mouse coaster not a big fan of those. The Claw was one of the weirdest things I ever rode, wasn't sure what to expect, but it was awesome. Everyone ride this thing. Overall HP is a really nice, clean, tidy park. A+
Sounds like a great park! I might be going there later this summer. I can't wait! I'm surprised about the waits. By the way did you ride Sidewinder( Boomerang )?

LR looks great! It looks like it could beat out Boulder Dash for my #1 wood coaster.

Top 3
1-S:RoS @ SFNE
2-Boulder Dash
3-Yankee Cannonball

Yeah I forgot about that thing, it's really ruff, I wouldn't ride it again, but hey, you might like it. If I were you I'd definately go.:)
The waits at Hershey are usually not that bad on a weekday. I got a 5 minute wait on Great Bear in the middle of the afternoon on Tuesday, but that's pretty rare.

LR and Wilcat are moody - I had an awesome ride on LR and a horrible one on Wildcat in June, but recently, all my rides on LR have been just OK or alright, but my rides on Wildcat have been awesome.

Glad you had a good time. :)

This might be the nicest park folks outside the Mid-Atlantic region have never heard of. If it grows as much in the next 10 years as the last 10 (and add a couple hyper coasters) it could give Cedar Point a run for its' money.

Crowds during the week are almost always comfortable, and are even not too bad on the weekends.

Too bad you don't get to tour the actual chocolate factory anymore...I did that in the 60's...but touring Chocolate World is a nice change of pace if you need a break mid-day.

micrip said:

Crowds during the week are almost always comfortable, and are even not too bad on the weekends.

That hasn't been the case with me. I always think of the park as being more crowded than average. Before I go, I usuially call and ask if they are going to have any concerts or ball games durring my visit. I try not to go durring events due to the park getting too crowded.

Nice park though. 10 years ago I would have said that it was just okay, but it seems that they are in heavy expansion mode lately. They have practically doubled in size within the past 10 years. Hersheypark is now one of the best parks in the US, and even though they get a lot of attendance, they aren't as well known as some of the other parks.

They consider their only competor to be Disney, even though Dorney and SFGAdv are within a few hours from them. That tells you a lot about how they treat their guests.

Skyliner is underated.

Hershey can't handle heavy crowds well. A few years back on a weekend in July (there wasn't a concert planned), the line for the Canyon River Rapids was 3 1/2 hours, Great Bear 4 hours, and the SooperDooperLooper had a 30-45 minute wait (and it usually never has a wait). You also could literally move through the midways. We got 4 rides in the whole day. It was horrible.

I'm not the biggest fan of Hershey. I believe most of their roller coasters are nothing special, the staff aren't the greatest, and the park itself doesn't impress me. Maybe it's because I've been to the park so many times.

*** This post was edited by 3r1c 7/25/2003 1:44:16 AM ***

You missed out on the most insane mouse, even though you said you don't like them. You see, it seems that Hershey forgot to turn on the brakes, making for one out of control ride. Glad you enjoyed The Claw. I rode it five times a few weeks ago. It's that damn good.
If you have a problem with clones, the solution is real simple—Stop traveling.
DirtyAmericans said:
Yeah I forgot about that thing, it's really ruff, I wouldn't ride it again, but hey, you might like it. If I were you I'd definately go.:)

Well what do you expect? It's a boomerang!;)

Top 3
1-S:RoS @ SFNE
2-Boulder Dash
3-Yankee Cannonball

The GOCC had ERT on the Lightening Racer. It was late at night and they ran it without ANY lights on, it was awesome! Imagine being on it for an hour straight! We never had to get out! If you like the LR then look into joining the GOCC because they might do that again next year. Hershey is now one of my favorite parks, and the Wildcat is one of my favorite woodies.

My knex coasters
GOCC member # 671

I live 20 miles from HP amd I havent been there for since the WC was built. I have been disgusted with Hershey because they keep building junk instead of building something worth riding. Admission and parking are way out of the normal price range for an average park. They have no rides there that I can ride without yelling BORING! If you didnt spend the money yet, keep it in your pocket untill you have the money for a trip to Cedar Point! It is the greatest park in the world! Well worth the ride and cost. Like Dexter said, I always find it over crowed. I don't think they spent the money building the right rides. Most of them seem to be kid rides. I also would rather wait 2 hours or more and be on a drop over 200ft then wait for 1 train to get on a ****ty roller coaster like they have. I guess Cedar Point has spoilled me! I would go to Donrney Park befor HP. Also look where HP's coasters are ranked. Oh, there not on the list! Guess that says something!
Roller Soaker was a lot of fun for my bf and I, you need to loosen up and just have fun... not everything has to be a record breaker for someone to like it. Hershey has a special kind of atmosphere that Cedar Point doesn't have. They are completely different parks owned by different companies catering to different types of people. CP is for extreme thrill seekers and HP has a family atmosphere.

My knex coasters
GOCC member # 671

dexter said:

They consider their only competor to be Disney, even though Dorney and SFGAdv are within a few hours from them. That tells you a lot about how they treat their guests.

LOL! They're definately in competition with DP and SFGAdv, and they know it. Most of the additions (Great Bear, Midway America) came around the time CF began pumping money and rides into DP, and SFGAdv began to add more attractions. Just because they say that, doesn't mean they actually believe that.

3r1c said:
Hershey can't handle heavy crowds well. A few years back on a weekend in July (there wasn't a concert planned), the line for the Canyon River Rapids was 3 1/2 hours, Great Bear 4 hours, and the SooperDooperLooper had a 30-45 minute wait (and it usually never has a wait). You also could literally move through the midways. We got 4 rides in the whole day. It was horrible.

I'm not the biggest fan of Hershey. I believe most of their roller coasters are nothing special, the staff aren't the greatest, and the park itself doesn't impress me. Maybe it's because I've been to the park so many times.

*** This post was edited by 3r1c 7/25/2003 1:44:16 AM ***

Either we have been very fortunate, or you have picked the wrong times to go. The only time we had to wait more than an hour was when Wildcat first opened (everyone wanted to ride it). That said, it has been 2 years since we last went. There was a concert on one of our trips, and it actually worked to our advantage as the crowd in the park thinned once the concert started.

Some of you are right the rides are not record-breakers, but they are fun...like I said add a couple hyper-coasters and this place will rock!!

SFNE Dude said:
Sounds like a great park! I might be going there later this summer. I can't wait! I'm surprised about the waits. By the way did you ride Sidewinder( Boomerang )?

LR looks great! It looks like it could beat out Boulder Dash for my #1 wood coaster.

Top 3
1-S:RoS @ SFNE
2-Boulder Dash
3-Yankee Cannonball

I have been on both and just so you know I still consider Boulderdash my favorite. Just a personal opinion

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