Hershey Park, 7/7/03

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Yesterday, I went to Hershey Park which has now become a yearly pilgrimage. I've been going to this magical place every year since 1996 when the new coaster was the Wildcat. That was the day that got me hooked. It was the day I rode my first "big" coaster which just so happened to be the Wildcat. I've also ridden my first Beema here, and went upsidedown for the first time(SooperDooperLooper). But enough about past years at the park, here's my trip from this year.

My journey began sunday afternoon at 4:30. Me, my girlfriend Amanda, and my parents left our home in western PA and headed for the new stanton entrance to the PA turnpike. At about 6:30, we stopped in "The Motel Capital of the World" and the "Travelers Oasis", Breezewood PA. We stopped at Bob Evans and had a good meal and were back on the road by 7:15. We arrived in Hershey around 9:00, and got a room at some motel 5 minutes from the park(really close to Fudruckers). Just hung around swimming in the pool for about half an hour and went back to the room to watch t.v. then go to bed. My parents fell asleep, so Amanda and I watched the South Park Movie which was on comedy central at 1 am for the 3rd consecutive night. Fell asleep about 15 minutes into the movie though.

Woke up at beautiful 9:15 am with my parents already up and ready to go. Oh well, Amanda and I still had 45 minutes till the park opened. Got a shower, brushed my teeth, and just put on a hat because I didn't have time to get my hair fixed(Amanda took 35 minutes to get ready in the bathroom, so I had 10 minutes to get ready).

Got to the park around 10:15 and saw the parking lot wasn't hardly even touched yet. We went to Chocolate World to get some breakfast. For me, it was some freakin awesome Hershey's Ice Cream and a Chocolate Milkshake. We also got a wak-on on the "Factory Tour" ride.

Got into the park around 10:50 and we went over to the Great Bear. My mom doesn't like riding rides, so she just would hang out checking out gift shops and walking around all day. So It was just me, Amanda, and my dad riding today. We made it over to the Great Bear, and saw it was a walk-on as usual. Went straight info the station and walked right into the 3rd row of the train in the station. This ride is so addictive! I love it everytime i go. We love it so much, we rode it again, and again. This is one of my favorite Beemas in the world!

Next ride was the Kissing Tower. This is great too. You get a great view of the park, the surrounding area, and Zoo America.

Next ride was the SooperDooperLooper. Front Row walk-on for me and Amanda. My dad got a walk-on for the row behind us as well. I like this ride alot, like mostly every Schwartzkoph. I love the part in the tunnel.

Next ride was the classic Comet. A wait of 10 minutes for this one. Got a ride in the back row with Amanda. My dad rode in the back in the train after us. This ride has been heavily breaked sicne i was there last year. It was once a truly great ride. Still pretty enjoyable with it running along a small creek on the first part of the ride.

It was about 11:15 and it was beginning to get a little hot. We decided to begin to head over by the main water rides.

I expected Tidal Force to be closed after the incident last week, but it was open. I think the rest of the park didn't know it was open, because it was a walk-on. The big drop through the structure is still pretty cool. And I like how when you're going up the lift, another boat is going down the chute and you get soaked by that boat's splash as well. Overall, rode it twice. My dad sat this out because he didn't want to get wet.

Next ride was the Roller Soaker. Looked like not a very long wait, maybe 15 minutes. But I then remembered the queve inside the station. That wasn't bad though, still got to hear some classic Beach Boys tunes. The ride isn't very entertaining, but its a good break from the heat. Had some on the water playground under the ride getting some people, and Amanda, soaked.

To dry off, we went over to the new ride, the Claw. The name of the ride reminded us of our friend from school, Zane, who made up a horror movie chracter named the claw. It was so funny and lame, but that was his intention. We talked about that throughout the 20 minute wait, and it made the line go alot faster. The ride was pretty fun, but nothing I'd do ever again.

Went over to Midway America for some GCI Greatness. Started off with some walk-ons on the Wildcat. The total was about 9 times I believe. Is it just me, or does take forever to walk through the queve. I still love this ride and it is one of my top 3 woodies.

Stopped for some Hot Dogs at a hot dog stand to hold us over for a 2 o'clock lunch at the barbecue place near the Trailblazer.

After that, we headed for the Lightning Racer which is number 1 on my woodie list. Me and Amanda took front car on Lightning, my dad took front row on Thunder. It was easy to do this because of the fact that it was a walk-on. Overall, got 5 rides on it.

Got a ride on the parks AWESOME wild mouse after that. The ting looks freaking huge, but that's only because it is on a hillside. This is probably the best wild mouse i've ever been on, besides the one at Idlewild.

Saw it was about 2, so we went back by the Trailblazer for an excellent lunch. barbecue ribs, seasoned fries, and an awesome iced tea. It was getting to the hot point of the day, so got some bottles of water, and would do an hour marathon of the monorail. I love doing the monorail. Always relaxing with a friendly crew that will let you stay on as many times as you want if the line is short.

After a huge marathon on the Monorail, we toured Zoo America. A nice, little zoo with most of the animals you'd see in the zoo, but mostly North American Animals though.

We then saw it was around 4, so we wanted to get in some serious coaster riding. We ran into my mom, and my dad said he'd take her back to the hotel.

While he was gone, we got in 3 rides on the Great Bear. All front row as well with mostly 5 minute waits.

We went over by the Carousel which is where my dad us to meet him, and within 2 minutes, he was there. And we were once again off.

We told him about awesome front row rides on the Great Bear, so he wanted to experience them as well. We got him through one front row ride, and he wanted to do it again. And we did it again, and again. Wow, 9 Great Bear rides on the day.

Did a few more rides of GCI gretness in Midway America, and a few rides on the wonderful water rides, and we were done for the day at 9:30. Overall, 25 coaster rides. One shy of my record 26 in 2001.

Overall, avery fun day at one of my most favorite parks in the world. Hopefully they can get a new coaster next year. It would be nice to see one. Can't wait to go again next year!

Life is Short, get one

What a nice trip report. It is getting me excited for my visit next month. I'm glad to see someone else appreciates the wild mouse at Hershey. It is one of my favorite rides.
Don't snap them flyers too hard :)

Chuck, who enjoyed hershey very much

Charles Nungester.
It's official Lesourdsville Lake is closed for 2003

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