Hershey Park 6/10 Roller Soaker?

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After listening to Jurrasic 5 we finnaly arrived to see the magnificent Lightning Racer. Unfortunatly we had to stop at Chocolate World cause my brother wanted to ride the How they Make Chocalate Ride. After this hilarious stop we entered the park and found Wildcat had no line. We jumped both very back and in front seat and Wildcat delivered a rambuctiously fun and airtime filled ride both times. Wildcat Rating(1-10)8+

We(my parents, sister and her boyfriend, my brother, and me) then headed to LR. I carried my 18-6 record on knowing I'd beat my cocky brother. As expected my Thunder prevailed. We rode again where me and my brother beat my sister and boyfriend. As they were putting on a 2nd train we went over to the Wild Mause, which has to be one of the best I've ever been on. Once again this devious little ride delivered. Wild Mause- 6

I then rode LR 2 more times with my brother with one in front seat and the other against my sister and boyfriend, where we won again, my days record was 4-0 on LR by then. We then went over to a short line for Great Bear, where we rode in the middle cause my mom hadn't ridden it yet. It was smooth and intense, ya gotta love the helix and the "dive bomb drop" i refer to it as. We then did the fun log flume before riding Great Bear again. After this my brother and I marathoned on the hilarious Sooperdooperlooper, I love the pointless trim brakes. We rode SDL 4 times before going back to Great Bear twice in back. It amazed me how intense that helix is, I love the straightaway close to SDL also. Great Bear- 9+

My brother and I did the flume again before doing the Bear in front, which was also exhiliratiing. We calmed down doing the monorail, the TrailBlazer(which gets my vote for most pathetically funny ride in the park) and Sidewinder, which fortunatly didn't hurt too much. Up next was my finest hour, a marathon on LR, my brother and I vs. my sister and her boyfriend. They had no right to compete with us, with each victory me and my brother laughed and laughed and with each defeat my sister and boyfriend grew more and more upset. After deciding to quit, my record for the day was 10-1. Unbeatable. To relax before a hectic nightime we rode the mouse and got in line for the 'Cat front seat at about 8:30. My brother looked at me and asked the words I knew he was going to say, "Hey Alex, do you think, do you think we should do the Roller Soaker?" "The Roller Soaker?" I questioned myself with a smile growing. We had done crazy water rides at night, mostly log flumes, but nothing like this. Despite the fact neither of us had bathing suits or towels or any change of clothes, we had to, it was irressitble. So at 8:50 we jumped on our cars and only on the lift hill did I realize. "WHY THE F%^$ ARE WE DOING THIS" we yelled. It was too late, looking down at the geyser 10 feet away after the small drop, just waiting to pound us. No, no, no, BAM, soaked. We turned to see a water arsenal that scarred me more than Millinium Force. I raised my arms in a pathetic attempt at defense, boom,pound, wham, no, no, no, curse word after curse word, maniacal laughter, the final turn everyone in our party sprayed us. Ahhh, its over as one last water curtain kicked us while we were already down. After that we did what we could to dry our clothes and we jumped on LR in front one more time. We won again. Final Record, 11-1. LR-10+

Off to Great Bear, we jumped on front car and were wowed, what a ride. My brother and I made one last mad dash at SDL but were denied by 20 seconds, damn. It was a great day. Oh yeah, Roller Soaker- 10+++ the memories will last a lifetime.

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