Hershey Park 5-17 (day 1 of 3 in Pa)

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Soggy's avatar
I must thank my lucky stars (or at least my cousin) for me being able to make a Pa coaster tour this past weekend. My cousin got married and I wanted to go to show my love for my cousin... yeah right, I wanted to hit some coasters!

Today (as I later found out) was "Choir day" at the park, so there were TONS of busses of kids, and in many cases their parents and chaperones. I got there before the gates opened, and went to the left, all the way around to the Wildcat first. Good plan, because the whole back side of the park was deader than dead. I had not much time in the park, so even though I would have loved to get re-rides on most of the coasters, I had to make it quick.

Wildcat. 1 lap Walk-on! This is a really good ride. Whoever was complaining about the roughness on this coaster are just wimps, plain and simple. This was not rough at all, at least not from the front seat. Wild turns and some floater air make this a ride anyone would welcome into their park. 8 out of 10.

Wild Mouse. 1 lap, walk-on. OK, I have heard SO MUCH about this being the wildest wild mouse around, but I didn't see what was so special about it. I heard that it ran brakeless, but I felt plenty of braking on the ride. One really good drop on it, but not the wildest of wild mice in the world. (or Pa for that matter) 6 out of 10.

Lightning Racer. 2 laps Thunder, 1 lap Lightning, all walk-ons. I actually got a TRUE solo ride. I was the only one on the Thunder side, and Lightning side was empty. I thought for sure they were going to have to wait for more riders, but they let me go alone. I lost to the ghost train :( . Whatsupwitdat? This ride has a FANTASTIC first drop and the racing aspect is great. 9 out of 10.

Roller Soaker. 1 lap, walk-on. I really didn't want to get soaked, but I also wanted to get this ride on my track record, and I got both! They had the water effects turned off when I rode and they went on as soon as I got off. Dodged that bullet. The ride itself is pretty lack luster, but I guess the water effects make it fun on a hot day. I rode backwards which adds to the thrill factor... a bit. 5 out of 10.

Sidewinder was closed. Vekoma Boomerang, no big loss.

Trailblazer. 1 lap, station wait. I have been to Hershey about 20 years ago, but I was not 100% sure if I had ridden this coaster or not. I remember the Looper & Comet well, but not this mine ride. All things considered, this was not too hot, even for a mine ride. The helix was a good ending to this VERY short ride. 5 out of 10.

Great Bear. 1 lap 60 minute wait. Well, it was time to head into the crowded section of the park, and Great Bear was the one in this section that I KNOW I have not ridden. I liked the helix before the big drop, and the first 3 inversions were nice. I wish the ending were more powerful, like a B:TR. This was the first coaster with an Immelmann that I have ever been on, I liked it, a lot. The whole ride was very smooth and enjoyable, just not too intense. 7½ out of 10.

Comet. 1 lap, 30 minute wait. Not a bad coaster, but not great either. Turnarounds were taken rather slowly and the bunnyhops were air-less. 6 out of 10.

Sooperdooperlooper. 1 lap 15 minute wait. I love Schwarzkopf loops, they're awesome! I also love to go through them with only a lapbar. ***cough***Revolution***cough*** The rest of the layout is not all that great, but at least it is not braked to death. ***cough***Revolution***cough*** 7½ out of 10.

I was trying to get together with CoasterBuzzer CoasterPunk, but we missed eachother this day. We were both at the park at the same time, but not at the same place. Oh well, we managed to meet up at Knoebles on Sunday.

All in all, hershey is a really nice park with some really good rides, namely Lightning Racer, Wildcat & Great Bear. Even though they lack anything "really big" their coaster selection is well-rounded. I give the park an 8 out of 10 overall.

Nothing... NOTHING... can prepare you for... the Fourth Dimension!

I wish I could have met up with you at Hershey. Oh Well, I guess it wasn't in the card that day but at least you had a good day.

Knoebels visits in 2002. 3

Good report Sog, I can't wait to go on my coaster trip.

Did they serve any meals on your flight? I've heard that since 9-11, airlines aren't serving much in the way of food because they're afraid that someone might hijack the plane with a plastic knife.

Go figure....


Soggy's avatar
Yeah, there was a "snack" on my flight from Orange County to Chicago. It consisted of a small lunchmeat sandwich with cheese, a packaged dessert, and applesauce. It came with not a plastic knife, but a SPORK!

I guess they are not worried about a spork-weilding, would-be, hi-jacker.

Nothing... NOTHING... can prepare you for... the Fourth Dimension!

I don't know, those Sporks are deadly weapons if you ask me. Someone might see the damned thing and laugh themselves to death.

God, my trip is still a week away and I can already taste that stupid "snack" they're giong to serve me. Complete with my very own "Spork".

I'll be lucky if I can ride anything when I get to SFoG. I may be sick to my stomach from airplane "snack" food. LOL

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