Here we go... going Verticle

Hey everyone, i usually don't post on here as i'm not uch of a rumor person at all, but i thought i would share this little tidbit of info that a lot of you might enjoy to hear about. We are going verticle. that's right, Area 51 actiucaly has verticle movement. As of around 1pm on tuesday, supports have started to go up. two sections of two supports, and two sections of one support high were up at my last sight, and that was yesterday afternoon. i haven't seen anything yet today, but i'm sure it's moving along still. just thought you would all like to know about this.

Is that the same as "vertical"? ;)

Seriously, thanks for the update.

He let the contents of the bottle do the thinking; can't shake the devil's hand and say you're only kidding.

sorry.. i cant spell
How did you see it? The park wasn't open on tuesday. Did you take pictures?

Cedar Point, where the world records just keep on coming!

HI. You usually want to mention what park you're talking about first.

I smell a troll.

The park is closed, the webcams don't point towards "Area 51" Do you work at the park?

Besides the fact that you can't even spell Vertical.

All I need is 4.5 million bucks and a half a mile long sliver of land and maybe someone could build me my very own Shivering Timbers.

*** This post was edited by MagnumForce on 9/11/2002. ***

sorry, i'm not the best speller.. no pictures, don't have any yet. I personaly don't work for the park, but my son does. he told me a bit about what he saw tuesday. and what do you mean you smell a troll? :)

Right, your son.

That's why you said that you saw what was going on and You will see what's going on tomorrow.

All I need is 4.5 million bucks and a half a mile long sliver of land and maybe someone could build me my very own Shivering Timbers. ;)

This is going no-where fast.


""To be the man, WOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO!!!!, You got to beat the man""!!!

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