Superman: Krypton Coaster----Just Ride It
1.) Millennium Force 2.) Superman: Krypton Coaster 3.) Steel Eel 4.) Raptor 5.) Mantis
Have you opened your park gates? Cl;ick on the PArk Control Button, and see if the flag is green or red. If its red, the park is closed and we have found your problem. CLick on the flag to open you park.
If its not that, your path may not connect fully. To fix this, Click on the 'build footpaths' button. CLick on the button that allows you to make the paths change elevation. Place your cursor on the path inside the entrance with the arrow pointing inside your park. Build a path peice, and this will connect your paths. Hope this helps.
"Standing in line to see the show tonight and there's a light on, heavy glow, by the way I tried to say I'd be there."-The Red Hot Chili Peppers
Yes, my park is actually open. it's kinda weird becuase one person actually got in, and the others couldn't!
Superman: Krypton Coaster----Just Ride It
1.) Millennium Force 2.) Superman: Krypton Coaster 3.) Steel Eel 4.) Raptor 5.) Mantis
OK.........People could go in through one of the gates (there are three in all) but they couldn't get in the others. If I'm lucky, it's a bug in the game that should be fixed soon! Anyone can help if the have answers.
Superman: Krypton Coaster----Just Ride It
1.) Millennium Force 2.) Superman: Krypton Coaster 3.) Steel Eel 4.) Raptor 5.) Mantis
Did you build this park using the "Scenario Editor" if so:
On the screen where you place your park gates and do any initial terraforming and scenry placement, on the dialog box where you designate land you own, there is also the park gate button you used to build a park gate, as well as an icon depicting a group of peeps. Select this icon and move the cursor over the large park map. You should see a square that has a blue highlight around it with an arrow.
This is called a "Guest Starting Point" and tells the game where to generate new guests for your park, the arrow tells the game which way to have them walk when they are generated. Place these wherever you want your guests to generate. (It would do well to place some distance betweeen the "Guest Starting Point" so that you can see the crowds approaching your park as well as have time to capture the parting thoughts of guest leaving your park. )
I think the game limits you to designating two "Peep Starting Points" which makes me wonder why the game allows three or more park gates because I also beleive the game wants a single-wide direct path from the starting point to the park gate.
Other than that: the usual tips apply: Make sure the park gate has a green flag, that the gate admission fee is reasonable, that there is good functional path from the start point up to and through the park gate, and that there is something in your park worth the guests time to enter your park in the first place. :)
David Bowers
Mayor, Coasterville
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