Help me pick my DDR stuff!

Ride of Steel's avatar
It's my bday tomorrow :)

Theres not much that I want but I've have been wanting a DDR game for ps2 along with a pad.

What version of the game and what pad should I get for the best quality and best price?

Thanks alot!

DDR MAX, but DDR MAX2 comes out for the PS2 a lil later, maybe you wanna wait. And as for the pad, get a hard pad. Check this site out for details.

Rolla coasta lova, and a DDR maniac

I would get the "cheap" Redoctane pads....they are excaty the same just cheaper. I have two of the 1.0's. I would get 1 or 2 pads(depending on how many people would be playing with you) and DDRMAX. MAX2 won't be out for like 6 months anyways.


Jeff's avatar
They're not the same at all. The expensive Red Octanes are the only ones that have the buttons go all the way to the center square. The Cyphergames 2.0 pads are junk. Don't waste your time. Stick with their $30 "delux" pads.

Jeff - Webmaster/Admin - -
"Pray that your country undergoes recovery!" - KMFDM
*** This post was edited by Jeff 5/23/2003 8:28:51 AM ***

Ride of Steel's avatar
I got this $20 soft pad from Best Buy and DDRMax.

But guess what? The friggin Ps2 isn't working! :(

I suggest any soft pad, (I got mine off Yahoo! shopping) but get a RedOctane Pad Cover.


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