Help me buy Thunder Eagle

Ride of Steel's avatar
Not to change the subject of completely humiliating this guy ;) what is thunder eagle?


Defunct Wooden coaster at the former Race World in Pigeon Forge, TN.

- "I used to be in the audio/visual club, but I was kicked out because of my views on Vietnam........and I was stealing projectors" - Homer Simpson

HAHAHA! That was hilarious!

"...they came like a winged curse. A twin plague of demonic dragons!" - Dueling Dragons

Ride of Steel's avatar

Looks like a fun ride if you ask me

It would fit in my backyard perfectly. If I ever win the New York State Lotto thats what I'm gettin! Looks like a good first drop, turn around, and bunny hops till the end! Not to shabby!

If you want to be happy for a few hours play rollercoaster tycoon 2.

If you want to be happy for a day go to Cedar Point.

If you want to be happy for a lifetime help other people.

Ride of Steel's avatar
BTW its to bad it only operated for a year or two :(

If you want to be happy for a few hours play rollercoaster tycoon 2.

If you want to be happy for a day go to Cedar Point.

If you want to be happy for a lifetime help other people.

Not only will you not get by with only having to spend 600,000 dollars, but no state in their right mind would let you operate this thing. If this price includes dis-assembly, then your ahead by a bit. But you still have to pay to have it moved, land, taxes, re-assembly and you have to be able to pay an engineer to inspect the coaster. And it WILL have problems. It's been sitting, un-maintained. You have to run electric to the thing, be able to pay electricians to do that. Then the state would have to inspect it. You'd have to have a full time maintance guy to fix any problems and inspect it regularly. I'm sure the state doesn't come out and inspect a ride for "free" either. Then you need insurance so that if something happens to it, or someone gets hurt on it, you'll be covered.

Need anymore reasons why you can't and never will do this?

Do you seriously think there are people here that are willing/able to give you enough money just to purchase the ride. It's only $600,000!


A one that is not cold, is hardly a one at all.

Just be nice?

YOU HAVE GOT TO BE KIDDING ME. Have you been outside or watched TV yet in your life?

Not to mention that you are 13 years old, where to you plan to put this? Next thing you know he will be asking each of us for 10 dollars to buy a chunk of land and later on 10 dollars each to pay for a mechanic. If you can get each person on this site to give you ten dollars, I hate to say it, but a coaster would not be the best thing you could buy. Try a college education for one.

Seriously though, did you think this was going to work?

I'm going to do a little math for you. Since we've already concluded that your grammar needs work, I'm thinking that your arithmetic skills are in the same boat.

Coasterbuzz members - 8008 (including inactive members)

$10 per person = $10 x 8008 = $80,080

You're still shy $519,920.00. Where are you going to get the rest of this money?

"...they came like a winged curse. A twin plague of demonic dragons!" - Dueling Dragons

OK, I will donate all proceeds from my product (mentioned above) to this "cause"

- "I used to be in the audio/visual club, but I was kicked out because of my views on Vietnam........and I was stealing projectors" - Homer Simpson

ThunderFun says: (can't resist)

I apoligize for this scam, an I promise I will no longer do any more shameless scams:

If you accept my apology, please send $10.00 to:
Sorry Dude
742 Evergreen Terrace

Sean, who was ID'd when buying RCT2.
Nitro, Gemini, Laser, Ice, Thunder...The American Gladiators!
The only Coasterbuzz member with Ridgeline Racer in the Track Record.

Just tell me where to sign, buddy.

Consider me your first donor for a great cause!! I'd love to send more than 10 dollars if you think that would help.

Lummoxes need reasons to get out of bed just like everyone else. Oh, and for those that need it...

I'm not an enthusiast, I just play one on message boards.

I thought Papa's Park in Councel Bluffs, IA was planning to buy it.


Maybe instead of pitching in money to help you buy it, we should all give you $10 so you can spend it on lottery tickets. That's if your old enough (I'm not. :( lol). Then you would easily get the money you need, if you win of course. If you don't win, I'd like my $10 back.

I think you should realize that extreme sarcasm and criticism (spelling and such) on this board before even thinking about posting something like this (this is probably the first serious thing actually posted in this thread, lol).

The top 3 all time cobrarolls.

2)Deja Vu's (times 3)
3)Batman Knight Flight's

If it ain't broken, don't fix it.

No, mine was 100% serious, CobraRoller. I think he's a lummox.

I'm not an enthusiast, I just play one on message boards.

He is definitely that Homey, but tell us something we don't already know ;)

Coming in 2003-The Spawn Of Magnum!
Ode to the offseason:
Offseason Offseason what shall I do? Who cares the sun is still shining the sky is still blue! GET A LIFE!

Take your panhandling elsewhere.


2 superheroes in Gurnee next season? Oh the humanity. :)

Closed topic.

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