Headed south of SFA this weekend? Serious traffic advisory

I just heard that the Woodrow Wilson Bridge is experiencing delays of three hours and has a four-mile backup due to closing down to a single lane before the bridge. If you're headed south, take 495 West instead which joins back up with 95 after the bridge. They said that a good majority of the people stuck in the backup are people from out of town who never got the warning. The construction is supposed to end at 5 a.m. Monday in time for rush hour.
It should be noted the construction is taking place only on the Southbound I-95/I-495 Inner Loop of the Capital Beltway. The loop that takes you from Maryland into Virginia. U.S. 301 South is an alternate route from the Baltimore area however, it is being used heavenly as an alternate route but the backups across the two (one lane in each direction) lane Harry Nice bridge are long but faster than going across the Wilson Bridge.

A day at the park is what you make it!

This delay is expected to last the entire weekend. I think this is the last big delay having anything to do with the construction of the new Wilson Bridge.

I want to live where it's all the same. I want to live where it's all just like today. I want to live where it's always Saturday.
We had no problems with traffic at all yesterday because we take a much different route....the only traffic we encounterd was in the parking lot.

Was the worst backup I've seen since opening day 99.....& for those of us who were in it I think we all remember it quite well now don't we?

Like I said Batwing Fan, south of SFA on 495/95S. If you're coming from Virginia, that wouldn't be a problem now would it? Prabe, I only wish that were the case, but according to my official 2003 Woodrow Wilson Bridge brochure that I got from SHA, there's more to come around around 2006 onwards. There's several more interchanges that will be worked on, and some of them such as US Route 1 promise more lane reductions.

The whole project is scheduled to be finished in 2011 with the first bridge opening around 2009 and obviously the second in 2011.

What I read wtopnews.com, I-Fan, is the first span is suppose to open in Spring 2006 and the second one in 2011. I also think Prabe was refering to the infomericals on the radio that said this would be the worst of the lane closures.

A day at the park is what you make it!

Something like that. The other construction won't involve moving the path of the highway, at least not to the point of requiring the closure of three of four lanes in either direction. Most of the other construction involves new interchanges, which is less of a nightmare than new bridges.

I want to live where it's all the same. I want to live where it's all just like today. I want to live where it's always Saturday.
Yeah, It will be pretty cool to have the worlds biggest drawbridge an hour away from me.

Watching this thing get bigger every weekend is incredible, it is truly awesome.

- Josh

When you give, you begin to live... - Dave Matthews

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