Have you ever been selected for a show at a park?

Many of the shows at parks ask for volunteers. Have you ever been selected for one of these?

My credits include:
Old show at MGM where they place you in TV shows - I was a cop in golden girls.

Monster Sound Studios - got to do the sound effects for the Chevy Chase movie.

Behind the scenes at MGM. Got to be the ship captain that gets drenched with water.

At Universal Studios, I was in Hithcocks Vertigo reenactment, I was the guy that fell from the Statue of Liberty.

I was picked for all of these within a 2 day period. I have not been picked for a show since.

I was in the 50's show at SFO.

www.geocities.com/coasting_ohio for Real/Defunct/mini coasters and parks for RCT
Nup :(. WBMW Australia has a Superman behind-the-scenes Blue Screen , SFX for a clip from Lethal Weapon 2 and a re-enactment from one of those old WWII plane movies.
I played Caesar at MGM TV SHOW.... Wish I Could of gotten a tape of it tho...
i hav been picked for all of those shows u listed. i have been captain and skipper a number of times at the mgm studios special effect water tank, there was actualy one day that i got to do it all day, i got to know the cast mambers real well, it was a lot of fun. i also got picked to be gilligan when super star studios was still at mgm. i also got picked to be a beet last year at the doug live show. i also got picked to do the earth quake thing at mgm, ya know, fall from above thing. (lol) you know what i mean if you have seen it. i have gotten picked for som many things over my 16 years of life, it is so much fun, i love being the center of attention, and im not shy at all. it just adds more fun to everything. i seem to get picked for everything i volunteer for, and i volunteer for everything i possibly can. *** This post was edited by cpjason on 5/25/2001. ***
I was picked to feed a killer whale up at Marineland, near Niagara Falls. I was about 7 or 8 at the time. My mom took a picture and I just saw it the other day.
I got to be an extra one time in the Indiana Jones stunt show at Disney/MGM. Lots of fun
At Disneyworld when I was like 10, my parents and I were chosen for some show thing. It was A episode of Cheers, and , It looked like we were in it. And one day at SFGA, my homepark, I was chosen for the hypnotist? dont know if thats spelled right, sorry. There were alot of us. I dont know what happened though.
I have never been picked -- nobody loves me! -- but my 18-year-old and his fiancee were picked to do the Nickelodean show at PKI a couple years back. I have pictures of them covered in green slime.
My little brother got to be in the Earthquake skit right before you ride it (Universal Studios).

Who was at BGW on April 28th.
i got to be in a laser light show at the san diego zoo when i was like 9 years old
I have! It was back in 93' when my whole family went to a restraunt in Epcot, and they made me sing in the microphone! I know it sounds kinda dumb but I was kinda young!
. *** This post was edited by CONNER on 5/27/2001. ***
My sis was in that Animal show at SFGAm. She loved it because of all the animals.


Let the bears pay the Bear Tax, I pay the Homer Tax.
LuvRaptor's avatar
I was picked for the MGM show, I got to be the ship captain that got drenched, but then got to "pay back" the drencher BIG TIME! That was a blast!

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