Have Gs ever hurt you?

On my last recent coaster trip(SFWoa/KW), I noticed something interesting about two coasters. While on PR at Kennywood, I was thrown forward, then we hit the turn over the Turtle. My body wasn't really sitting at the time, because I was chucked forward. Anyway, the turn forced my lower back to receive a high amount of positive Gs, and it was a little uncomfortable.

On the Big Dipper at SFWoA, the pullouts were so forceful, my back was actually hurting! Now these two experiences didn't ruin my ride in any way, they made it better! It just made me a little nervous.......

Have you ever experienced Gs that were painful?

During a 5+ G loop...afterwards, my fingers went numb and hurt a ittle...

Millennium Force: The Future's Riding On It
Funny enough, I never have. I've been on some coasters that a lot of people say have a lot of Gs, but I just don't feel it. Maybe I have a higher tolerance for it, I don't know.

Po!nt of View: A different look at Roller Coasters.
Ever been on Nitro? Its two flat loop helixes wasnt exactly a pushover. I saw somewhere that its suppose to be 4.5 G or something. Anyway, the first time I rode on it the G peeled my face. I actually strained some arm muscles after. Also in the same park, the The Chiller:Robin pulls killer Gs because the Cobra it goes through is to small to accomodate the speed. But riding good coasters has its price I should say.
I can't remember ever experiencing painful g-forces. I have experienced some painful headbanging that most of you can all relate to.
Nitro's helix Gs are awesome. I had very mild grey-out on them, but it was great, not painful. The only ride I've truly been in pain on was Predator at SFDL, but that wasn't due to G forces, it was due to the horrible jerking of the trains at the bottom of the hills. Mantis makes my legs ache a little, but they don't hurt, and I love that feeling!

Webmaster: Gravibulb Coasters
The highest SUSTAINED G-force on a coaster I've bben on is Goliath - you DO actually lose peripheral vision as everything starts to "grey-out" around the edges. I LOVE high-G forces, that's why I'm a Schwarzkopf fan. (and I share his B-Day)!
rollergator - intent on improving the "guest experience" - coming soon to a park near you
yes on goliath almost blacked out.
nasai's avatar
Personally, I love the effect that TEMPORARY G-forces have on you when you ride. I love that face-peeling experience...However, when I was in Osaka recently, I rode Orochi, a Raptor clone. Perhaps it was just that day, the heat, or the fact that the tail end of this particular B&M was just RAW, but I was absolutely shocked to my core at how terribly uncomfortable I was through the last 540. It just tore me up, and I was very dizzy after the first ride. I did indeed ride Orochi again. After 5 rides, I rode the back again. I was surprised at how amazingly different this ride is from front to back. I have ridden Raptor, but I tell you with conviction that I don't EVER remember feeling that kind of tug flying through the final helix. Is it me? Anyone else have this experience on Raptor?

;)Rollercoasters are like parrots...if you take care of them, they should outlive you;)

*** This post was edited by nasai on 8/10/2001. *** *** This post was edited by nasai on 8/10/2001. ***
Let the Markey propaganda begin.

[Markey (with look of horror): You say your face was peeled because of high g forces
Witness: Yes sir and my fingers went numb too.
Markey: We can't stand to let this go on any further. Rides at amusement parks should be regulated so this horrific events don't happen. That's why I propose a ceiling of 2 gs on a ride. So the people of America won't have to endure the pains that these rides give.

We've made the mistake of letting this go unchecked for so long. Now, after a long series of tragic deaths and injuries that I'm sure you've all read about we have the opportunity to prevent this from being a problem the plagues our nation.]

What I typed here is a work of fiction, but its based on some things Markey has said (I'm not sure if the 2 gs is accurate) Unfortunately, I can see Markey getting away with it. There's so much bs and misleading there that its sickening

"And then you say oh what a lovely tea party."
-Jay and Silent Bob Strike Back
I can't really say I blacked out (or even came CLOSE to doing so) but I did feel some mad positive Gs on Nitro...and they were good...


The Luv Monkey has spoken...in a Creationesque sort of way...
NITRO kicks it into high gear...only at Six Flags Great Adventure!
Track Record: 28 and counting...
Batwing's loop. If you haven't ridden it, you haven't been living. The term "suck the skin off your face" never seemed so true.

Joshua Wilcox
The following statement is true.
The preceding statement is false.
Nitro has excellent G's through the Helix. On X-Flight, the G's were very powerful, but both time I went on, the loop didn't really affect me! Only the turn right after the loop and the final helix really push you out and into the harnesses!

Anyway, the most painful G's I have ever experienced were on 2 coasters...they were clones. They are known as Shockwave at SFGAm and Great American Scream Machine at SFGAdv. After the double loop element, you rise up very quickly into the brake run while turning to the left. If you are siting in the front, you get EXTREME negative G's. Just so you guys know, too many negative G's are also very painful. These rides pull too many negative G's. All of the blood rushes to your head VERY quickly and I grey out everytime I ride in the front. When I ride in the back, the rest of the train has already slowed from the brakes, so you don't get the negative G's as much, but in the front it is very painful.

I am very tolerant to G's on coasters, but Nitro, X-Flight, Shockwave, and GASM have all gotten me. Nitro and X-Flight didn't hurt...they were very enjoyable, but Shockwave and GASM hurt!

Also, B&R: TC pulls great G's in the cobra roll. The Batman side also pull good G's in the pull into the top hat.

Gone, a sense of confidence, I'm convinced that there's just too much pressure to take! - Linkin Park, Crawling

KoЯn still Яules!
I've blacked out once or twice on rides, but have never experienced pain due to G's. Not that big a deal!
I think a good designer can make a coaster with powerful forces, that don't hurt. I would have to say MF is a good example, huge height and speed, yet the Gs don't kill you. I didn't even realize I was creating a "Markey" post!

X-Flight, bottom of the first drop is freaky and bottom of the loop is great in the backseat!

Got a problem with RWB? you've got a problem with me! Rollercoasters are the secret of life!

Can anyone say Rotors and "wheels"....those are awesome g forces...espeically on rotors when the floor drops out and the g forces hold you to the wall...very cool!
It's usually fun to be me, but sometimes I need a little love too. --Jeff

All I know is That if one coaster should have some better estraints its the BIg Dipper. If only more people rode it they would see what a good coaster it is. Especilly on the fourth hill coming back to the station.
The only good wolverine is a dead wolverine! Ohio State Football. go Bucks
Goliath's G's during the helix hurt my neck and gave me a headache and when I was a little kid when I first rode the Revolution the G's during the beginning of the loop hurt my neck.
The launches on the Impulse Coasters kill on the Knee's. V2 and Superman kill my knee's on the initial launch. Otherwise that's it.



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