Haunted Graveyard at Lake Compounce?

As luck would have it, bussiness is taking me to Connecticut in October. I'll get the chance to get to LC on Sunday, Oct 6.

I'm wondering if anyone here has been to the Haunted Graveyard that will be open at the time, and what their take is on this attraction. I'll spring for the combo ticket if it's worth the time.

Thanks, kind people.

Without the chaindog, you'd never get up the lifthill...

I did the Haunted Graveyard last year at the Lake and really enjoyed it. If you like doing haunted houses then I would recommend it. It has a ton of live actors throughout it. Another cool thing about it is that it's both indoors and outdoors. The only bad thing is you get one ticket when you buy the combo so you can only do it once.

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