Halloween Horror Nights 10-9-04 USO

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I attended HHN at Universal Studios Orlando last night. I got off of work at 10 and arrived at 10:30. Upon entering, we walked through the point of Evil scarezone, which had the usual ghouls walking by with tin cans of pennies to shake at you and the garbage can lids. Our first house was Disorientorium, which was located right next to Dr. Doom. It was very cool inside, with a lot of disorienting and optical illusions, with characters that fade in very well with the surrounding environment.

The event takes place in both parks, but part of it occurs in the back lot. You enter and exit through Islands of Adventure, and it is open from the Theater by Toon Lagoon, all the way to the Lost Continent by way of Marvel Superhero Island and Seuss Landing (Confused, hope not). The Lost Continent was open only for Dueling Dragons, but we didn't ride any coasters so we could hit all the houses.

Our next house was Castle Vampyr, which was by far the best themed and creepiest, although none were scary (insert masculinity joke here :) ). It is themed like an old time castle, and has creepy vampires all through it. there is a Blade scene in there, which my friend john works in. The house was very nice.

Next we hit Ghost town, which was themed like a wild west town taken over by the dead. it was okay, the coolest part was the bartender slammed a beer bottle on the table, and made my girlfriend jump.

Next was Horror Night Nightmares, the one with characters from the past. That was creepy, especially the director's setup. I thought that was a good one as well.

Deadtropolis is in Universal, in the Earthquake section. I thought they could have done more with this, but the zombie makeup looked okay.

Horror in wax sucked. It wasn't scary and other than wax, no real organization or theme (if you understand) was present. not ever creepy.

I bought an Express ticket, which if you go is a must. lines were like 2 hours for these houses, and if I waited two hours for some of these houses, I would be pissed. Longest wait was 23 minutes, as the line merged. I thought it was BS though, as I was told walkons, and I paid extra to avoid lines, but what can you do.

Mummy was an hour wait with Express, so we didn't ride. Angered by that as well.

Bill and Ted: What can I say other than hilarious as always. Won't give away any of it but stars Dr. Evil, John Kerry, President George W. Bush, Mr. Burns, Garfield, Catwoman, and a whole lot more...

My only complaint was that it was very unorganized and hard to find places, because even though they have signs, many people have never been in the backlot before, and don't have the landmarks to help navigate around the park. it took 30 minutes to find the dumb ass Field of Scream scarezone. None of the scarezones were what they have been in the past. sad, but overall the event was good.

I can waite.. I am doing a VIP tour on friday for HHN! sound cool! cant waite! leaving tomorrow

-Jeremy Laps on Kingda Ka: TBD Coastes/ Parks: 147/28 lol more than *pixie*
Can't spell, either.

-brian, in one of his professorial moods today.

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