"Hacked" Rides

Recently there was an upload to CBuzz Games that was a recreation od Six Flags Over Georgia. It featured some "hacked" rides which combines two coaster types into one. It is really cool becuase you can do some pretty intersting things (an old Intamin freefall). The problem is the person who uploaded didn't tell us how you do this, does anyone know how?
Ride of Steel's avatar
beast trainer from coastergrotto.com

Knicksfan46, it isnt the beast trainer for that is for RCT, I downloaded SFOG and who ever made that used the 8 cars trainer, but sadly for me it doesnt work. Their was a topic about it, search for it and it will tell you where your can get it.
Beast trainer is for RCT, Son of Beast trainer is for RCT2. Also, the 8 Cars per Trainer is the only trainer that can combine tracks in RCT2, at least so far :)

Matrix Revolutions
November 5, 2003

Ok, The maker of the park, "Ja277", MADE the 8cars per trainer, he invented the thing. At his site and forums, there are many tutorials on how to use it, such as merging tracks, building rides through water and different settings for different rides such as Impulse cars on Inverted track.


Moderator at RCT Station

He didn't invent SOB, Oblivion did.
Im talking about the 8cars here.

Moderator at RCT Station

Ok i got all my kinks worked out on my recreation of Deja Vu with Giant loops, but it crashes! like flies off the track, and i tried Raise/ Lower on the diff tracks and it didnt work?------------------
HI its me
*** This post was edited by douglas defrnco 10/3/2003 4:16:49 PM ***

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