Charles Wood, known as "the grandfather of the American amusement park," died of cancer Thursday. He was 90. He got his start in the amusement park business in 1954, when he founded Storytown USA, later renamed to The Great Escape and sold twice. Six Flags now owns the park.
Read more from The Plain Dealer.
It saddens me to go to amusement parks now where the employees don't care about anything. Grumpy employees who can't even pick up their own garbage much less say hello to you ruin a park. Charley Wood knew that and did his best not to let that happen. He could have taught Six Flags a few things.
My condolences to his family and friends.
I too had the privilege of working for this Legendary man as a games consultant in 1990 and 1991. I give him the credit for giving me the knowledge, tools and passion for making an outstanding career in the amusement industry. He truly loved this industry and we all should be grateful for his vision, passion, and foresight in helping to mold the modern day Theme Park.
My most sincere condolences to his family , specially his daughter and son-in-law Bobbi and Tom Wages who are doing a wonderful job at Lake Compounce.
always sad to see such a pioneer and visionary pass thoughts and prayers are with his family.
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