Great Escape 8/11: Women, Coasters, and Popcorn Chicken

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So the First Annual 'Last Days of Summer Before School and Football Start' Trip was underway as me and my one friend(the other two couldn't go, one had work the other had financial backing problems AKA his dad)were driven up to The Great Escape by my mom and dropped off promptly at 10 am.

After getting my friends Season Pass certified(verified, something-fied, I forget. a bit late in the season for getting it done, it seems.) we headed straight through the crowds of little kids with their camps and other misc. people to The Comet.

There was no wait so we filed into the backseat for the first ride of the day.

The Comet(Back Seat): I got on and we pulled out of the station, turned, and then onto the lift we went. I honestly didn't know what to expect even though I had rode it before. We dropped and I experienced a teeny pop of airtime before slamming back into my seat. Sadly that's how it pretty much was the whole back seat ride, except for one or two parts. But I'll tell you one thing, that sharp dropping turn before the last wraparound turn around is absolutely vicious! Particularly in every car besides the first. We managed to nab three backseat rides the whole day. 6.5/10

After that we wanted to flip but didn't want to ride a boring Vekoma Boomerang, so we went for an old Arrow Loop and Corkscrew called The Steamin' Demon.

The Steamin' Demon: We caught eight rides on this all day and it was amazingly fun. I was prepared for loads of headbanging and jaw smacking, but it was pretty smooth until the exit from the second corkscrew where you turn to the right. That seemed to be a very popular "double-hit" for me(smacking one side of the head then the other in quick succession.) Overall though, it was a fun action packed ride. 7/10

After that we were hungry and we ate an early lunch. Then we went back to The Comet for a front-seat ride.

We got in about a 5 train wait for front seat(they were running one train) and one train left the station. Ok, four trains. About ten minutes, right? Wrong. 'Ladies and gentlemen I am here to inform you that we are switching the other train onto the tracks.' or something along those lines. Bleh. Good thing was, goodlooking girls in front of us, goodlooking girls behind us.


Anyway, one of those girls just about followed us around the park for the rest of the day and sort've freaked me out. But back to The Comet.

They switched the blue train onto the tracks and we were on in no time at all.

The Comet(Front Seat):Repeat after me. Ohhhhhhh Yeaaaaaaah. Oh yeah. The Comet was packing a punch in the front seat! It was running like a monster! We sat down and went up the lift, expecting the same thing. Wrong. We dropped and collected a bit of airtime. Slammed a bit at the bottom, caught some airtime on the small camelback. Pretty much caught airtime on every bump on the ride. Amazing. Totally amazing. 9/10

Then we pretty much wandered around the park and did coasters when we felt like it.

Canyon Blaster:Canyon Snoozer is more like it. I've been at piano recitals more exciting. The only interesting part is the double helix. That's ok. One time. Too long of a wait for a second time. 3/10

Boomerang:Coast to Coaster:Ehh, just your normal Vekoma Boomerang, except a bit smoother. And the wait was virtually nothing. Not too bad. Four times. 5/10

Alpine Bobsled:Gee, I'd hate to be a bobsledder if this thing is realistic. No fun at all. I complain too much. One time. 3/10

Overall we rode The Comet eleven times, Steamin' Demon eight times, Canyon Blaster once, Boomerang four times, and Alpine Bobsled once. Throw in a raging river ride with a crazy old lady onboard and a horrible log flume, and you got yourself a Great Escape trip.

Overall the park wasn't bad looking and the employees were OK. Good family park. 7/10


Ride of Steel's avatar
Thats funny, I feel the exact opposite about a couple things. I thought that Comet was BORING in the front, and superb in the back. I also thought that Boomerang was bumpy compared to SFDL's which is super smooth.

Different likes and dislikes i guess..

Nice TR. However I think I'd want to kill my self after riding Steamin' Demon that many times. It hurts your head too much. No nightmare??
Nightmare is too long of a wait for a bad, short ride. Almost the same with TTD, except a long wait for an awesome, short ride.

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