Great day at the Mountain

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Well I went to SFMM today and it was a blast.  No lines no people.  The longest I waited was 5 minutes. 
-Rides I did-
Batman-5 min-Front Row-10-Front Row is AWESOME
Riddler-walk on-3rd row-10-G-forces seemed harder but this was also awesome
Psyclone -4 min-3rd row-2-Great first drop the rest is HELL
S:TE-walk on-3rd row-9-It didnt have that same fealing but it was a blast
Flashback-walk on-1st row-8-This was the smoothest Flashback ride ever.  I bashed my head only once.
Goldrusher-walk on-1st row-8-Very fun, sweet helix at the end
Revolution-5 min-2nd row-8-exciting, but rough.  I hate those OTSR
Viper-2x-walk on 1x 3rd row-5 min 2x first row-10-I almost blacked out on the double loop.  Great view of X more on that later.
      Sadly I didnt do Deja Vu or Big G and obviously I didnt do little g and the other child coasters.  I didnt do Deja Vu because when I got to it wasnt open and I didnt want to waist time so I went and rode B:TR and RRv and when I came back people were leaving the ride.  I looked up at the first tower and saw the first train stuck on the tower bairly at the top.  I decided that I could ride it next time so I left it to be :-( I didnt do Big G because my aunt was to"afraid" so I decided the same thing.
   Now for X.  This ride is so amazing I was amazed at its beauty.  My aunt was freaking out.  She BTW has never seen X or Deja Vu so she was shocked.  Two seats, at least what I think, were totally off the ride and sitting by the fence between Viper and X.  I also saw that there is only one train left to go and that the train is still siting in the station.
Thanks for reading this :)
At School At Home At SFMM On Riddler

*** This post was edited by Coolbrojoe on 11/26/2001. ***

Wow, I'm glad you had a great time. I have never been to SFMM but I am planning to this coming or next coming season. So I guess this is the time to go?
Soggy's avatar
I needed a Golith fix so I went the day after Thanksgiving, and lines were pretty long. Not quite as long as a summer day, but still pretty long.

By mid-day Riddler, Goliath, Deja Vu & Superman all had REALLY long waits with full or overflowing queues. We did DV first, due to slow loading. We waited 40 minutes, when we exited the line had to have been 2 hours plus.

"X" marks the spot in 2001!

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