Great America Oct. 6&7

Associated parks:

 Well, We got to the park on Saturday the 6th and headed to checkout V2 and Deja Vue and was highly disappointed that neither were open on this day. so we decided to walk around the park for  a while so my fiance could check out the sites and sounds of Fright Fest. Got some really cool pictures of Wiley Coyote and Pepe le Pew and a few other "characters". We then went to the back of the park and rode the American Eagle on the red side as the blue side was down and sat in row one seats 1 & 2 ,a walk on. Then we went to Iron Werewolf and my girl kinda didn't like the idea of standing up on a coaster and we went to some of the other rides. Rode Raging Bull and that ride rocks! I could have sworn i was at home in my lazy boy Those seats are so comfy!! Then we proceded to ride the Demon which was a walk on  and then to Deja Vue to check it out and just pout and we talked to Mark who said they were trying to warm up the wheels to make them warm so that the train would gain enough speed to make it through the ride and they had it all incased in a plastic drape trying to warm it up. Then we went and saw the freak show and the Dead Elvis show which were both really cool, then it was back to Raging bull for another ride and then to our nasty motel room  If you stay in the Waukegan Gurnee area don't go down Belvedere Road to Bel Lane motel as it is a really nasty dirty place to stay. IT WAS AWFUL! The shower didn't even work!! Then we went back the next day and rode some of the rides we missed the day before as we were tired from walking, the we rode the Condor, a really neat ride! Then it was back to Raging bull ( fiances' Favorite!) She loves this ride as much as i do. This was her first time on alot of the wood coasters and the invertigo and the Arrow Loopers. We saw Deja vue testing,  and i was like honey, lets get over there NOW! as soon as we got there and had a pop and watched it test a few more times they had a couple employees on the front and mechanics on the back seats riding this monster and i was having fits!! Anyway  we got in line as it opened and we were on the 10th train of the day seats. Man, this ride it so much fun!! I was yelling my butt of the whole time we were riding this baby and doing this thing backwards is so intense words just can't describe it! But, it was worth going back a second day just to ride Dejavue!!
My daughter begged me to ride the kiddie coasters(blantant lie)

*** This post was edited by Stoogemanmoe on 10/9/2001. ***

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