Great Adventure, 5/7/10, Coasters After Dark

I have been looking forward to Coasters After Dark since last yearsince I missed Family Fall Fun Night and the season pass nights alwaysare great for getting lots of rides in.

The lot was full of buses and hardly any cars but thankfully a lot of the physics day and music event kids were leaving.

First ride of the day was Nitro, 3 trains running and a walk on. It wastoo crowded for a re-ride so I went to The Dark Knight next. It was ashort wait to get into the pre-show and after the ride, there was noone waiting so I asked to stay on as they always have allowed re-rideswhen no one is waiting and was told I had to exit. I was kind ofannoyed about that since I have never been not allowed to have are-ride before and it makes getting more than 1 ride on the coaster apain since that means having to wait for the pre-show and watch thepre-show for each ride. I hope it was just a 1 time thing and not a newrule at that ride.

Batman had 2 trains running and was a 1 train wait for the front. Afterthat I stayed on for 3 more rides having to move to different seats.The other train went out completely empty at one point.

I went back to Nitro and waited 1 train for the front row. I forgot howmuch better the front row is on Nitro. I got a total of 7 more ridesonly having to change seats twice.

Skull Mountain was a walk on and I took the Skyway to FrontierAdventures. It was a little less than 15 minutes with 1 side open. TheLog Flume only had a wait because not all the boats were running, butit was just a couple of minutes. I got 2 rides on Runaway Mine Trainand went to Bizarro next. 2 trains were running with mechanics workingon the 3rd train in the area where the trains are stored. The first rowof 1 train was blocked off until after I exited the ride. It was a 1train wait for the 3rd row.

The ads on El Toro are only on 1 of 2 trains and the ads are on car 1,3 and 5 with another ad on the back of car 6. It's not as bad as thepicture online looks but still looks out of place.

Rolling Thunder was a 1 train wait, just the left side open with slow dispatches as usual.

Kingda Ka was a station wait with just the 2 left side trains running.There are Karate Kid banners all over the queue and in the stationhanging from the ceiling but the 2nd train on the left side (orange Ithink) now has Karate Kid ads all over it including the front and backof the train and on the side panels of the train covering the tigerlooking art that is usually there. These ads were worse than the oneson El Toro, especially since it really messes up the theme of KingdaKa. I hope they are removed soon. I rode twice, each wait around 10minutes.

The parachutes had 2 chutes open on 1 side and was a little less than10 minutes. Scream Machine had just the red train running and was awalk on for any row but the front. Superman had 2 trains running andthe tunnel you enter the queue from had no lights on which made it verydark and seemed like a safety hazard. They couldn't lower the trainsback in the station and had to take some kind of tool to row 2 beforethey could lower the seats on the train. It was a walk on as well.

I stopped at Blackbeard's, and got 2 more rides on Skull Mountain andwent back to Nitro to finish the night. 2 trains were now running andit was just crowded enough to have to walk around. I got 2 more ridesbefore the park closed.

It was another great Coasters After Dark and it was nice not manyschool groups stayed past 6 so lines were very short all night.

The Dark Knight next. It was ashort wait to get into the pre-show and after the ride, there was noone waiting so I asked to stay on as they always have allowed re-rideswhen no one is waiting and was told I had to exit. I was kind ofannoyed about that since I have never been not allowed to have are-ride before and it makes getting more than 1 ride on the coaster apain since that means having to wait for the pre-show and watch thepre-show for each ride. I hope it was just a 1 time thing and not a newrule at that ride.

Why would anyone more than one..or even ONE..ride on that P.O.C in a box?

The ads on El Toro are only on 1 of 2 trains and the ads are on car 1,3 and 5 with another ad on the back of car 6. It's not as bad as thepicture online looks but still looks out of place.

Ads on Toro? News to me. Is that something new? I hadn't noticed them on my two visits so far this season, but then again, I ain't looking for them. I just wanna get in my seat and GO, baby!

Wasn't sure how to do the quote thing when I wanted to cite TWO passages.

The amusement park rises bold and are huddled on the beach in a mist

LostKause's avatar

(bar)Quote(bar) begins a quote and (bar)/Quote(bar) ends a quote. Type your replies after (bar)/Quote(bar), and when you want to begin a new quote, do the same thing.

And when I say (bar), I mean the thingies beside the "p" on your keyboard.

About SFGAdv, I wish I would have a fun day at the park. I always had terrible crowds follow me there, for some reason, and they never opened everything for the crowds to wait in line for, so I quit going.

Lord Gonchar's avatar

Mike Gallagher said:
Why would anyone more than one..or even ONE..ride on that P.O.C in a box?

I dug it.

It is my favorite mouse coaster, I just hate having to wait to get into the pre-show and watching the pre-show especially on slow days when you exit the pre-show, you see an empty loading area while the ride is just going out with cars empty because everyone is stuck in the pre-show room. I forgot to mention it but the 2nd holographic projection is still not turned on, it hasn't been working all season and I wonder if they are going to bother fixing it or just let the effects all break down over time.

I dug it.

Something I'd like to hear an Undertaker say regarding that ride.

The amusement park rises bold and are huddled on the beach in a mist

Lord Gonchar's avatar

YoshiFan said:
It is my favorite mouse coaster

I'd probably say the same.

I forgot to mention it but the 2nd holographic projection is still not turned on, it hasn't been working all season and I wonder if they are going to bother fixing it or just let the effects all break down over time.

Aww. That sucks. Hopefully they maintain it.

Acoustic Viscosity's avatar

I love Dark Mouse, but the pre-show is lame (as pretty much all pre-shows are IMO).

More ads on coasters? Ugh, it was bad enough on GASM last year.

AV Matt
Long live the Big Bad Wolf

I expect the ads to get worse, there were already more ads in the park than any other park I have been to with the changing billboards in the midways, the tv's in line playing some commercials (and music performances), advertising on the water tower, on the wait time signs in line. I hated how last year the banner covered the GASM station mural, thankfully that is gone this year.

Bizarro, Superman and Batman would be difficult to place ads on but I could see ads put on Skull Mountain, Rolling Thunder and maybe even Runaway Mine Train.

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