Grand Theft Auto and Amusement Parks Hmmmm...

In the game series GAND THEFT AUTO why didn't Rockstar ever think of adding an amusment park to the game. Say to enter it would cost you $50 and you can ride the rides and maybe have spoof rides like take Sally's Interactive Dark Ride and have the gun break he gets pissed pulls out an AK-47 and starts shooting the targets up.

Make Some Suggestions on which parks should be recreated in the game

But just think about being able to go into an amusement park on GTA, I think it would make the game unbeatable!!!!!
*** This post was edited by Sweetspeed 2/21/2003 9:58:35 PM ***

I've never played GTA but the music is really cool. I'm sure any game would be awesome if it had an amusement park in it. Well, most games. I think it would be cool to be shooting people in an amusement park and have to ride rides with guns, like on National Lampoons Vacation.
Sorry, off the topic, but I think the creators of such games as Grand Theft Auto and The Getaway should suffer similar fates as those portrayed in the games. I know that it violates our 1st ammendment, but those games should be completely banned. Anything that glorifies violence and homicide, etc. should be seriously reconsidered. You can't blow off the fact that people who play games like Grand Theft Auto and The Getaway provoke violence deep within us. I know that's off the topic, and if you enjoy these games, I'm not saying your a future criminal or felon, but I think you should re-think your future video game purchases, the stuff you find in those games is morally wrong.

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I do agree but as long as the violence stays INSIDE of you its just a little harmless fun on video games.

I think it would of been rather cool to have an amusment park in GTA. Take out a ride or 5 with a bazooka. Drive a car into the gates and get a "discount". Killing folks in RCT would be no fun though if we had that.

As for the morality issues, I am old enough to see a rated R movie. I should me able to play a mature game if I so desire. Do I want to go on a killing spree nope. I am a very calm guy and a little fake violence is better than real in my book. In the words of Dennis Miller, "Thats just my opinion I could be wrong"

Waiting for 2003.
Visit History of PKI!

SFGAMDieHARD, you are entitled to an opinion but you will meet strong arguement if you go there. I will say off the bat GTA: Vice City is my favorite game of all time. I enjoy the game greatly but I do not go out and kill people or run them over with my car afterward. Anyone mature enough for it can handle it and like the game. Infact when one is mad, don't you think taking it out on people in the game is better then taking it out on someone in real life? That's my take on it.

Formally Suspended Andrew, proud member since May 2001.

Yet, you can only control yourself, and you may know that you will never commit crimes like those portrayed, but if that game is sold to anybody but you, that could lead to the end of somebody elses life.

I will admit that I have been entertained by games like Mission Impossible and 007, but those are strictly bad guys verse good guys, I'm not saying that's good, but unless your a spy, you really don't have any relation to that. In games like Grand Theft Auto and The Getaway, you can go up to any old person on the street and literally blow their brains out, it's ridiculous. People at my school talk about it and laugh and think it's the coolest thing, and with the graphics those games have, I feel the line between fantasy and reality has become dangerously thin.

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If the rumored GTA Sin City and/or GTA San Andreas are actually developed, I think there would be a chance seeing an amusement park or rollercoaster. This is because both cities they would be mocking (Vegas and LA) do have well renown parks and rides in the area.
Look I don't want any arguments over the game if you prefer not to like the game please do not reply, but if you like the game give me your thoughts on the idea.
I agree killing people is not funny but as real as the game looks, the blood and gore is not graphic or realistic. The blood is almost cartoonish looking.

I don't think kids should have this game that's for sure. It is made for people mature enough to handle it and yes some people aren't. However are you telling me that someone crazy enough to copy what he does in this game in real life wouldn't do it eventually anyway?

EDIT: Sorry, alright as for the idea I think it is great. Will we see a Pilgrim World which the lady on VCPR describes? I'll doubt that ;) Maybe a mock Disneyland or something like it.
Formally Suspended Andrew, proud member since May 2001.
*** This post was edited by ClarkChavez 2/21/2003 10:30:40 PM ***

So playing video games alters what we do, eh? So I guess I should be running through mazes, eating little white pills and running away from ghosts. But when I eat a big pill, I should run after them and eat them?

Give me a break! If a person is violent, they're violent. No video game will make them that way.

It's the same as blaming games/music whatever for school shootings when it boils down to a child being backed into a corner by bullies and the administration turning a blind eye because (usually) the bullies are the precious jocks. I was bullied throughout high school because I was a small kid (you wouldn't know it now by looking at me). I had thoughts of going after the bullies and making them pay. But you know what? My inner morals stopped me. The video games had no effect on me, because they are just that - games.

Nowadays, people look to blame anything and everything on someone else. If someone's fat, sue McDonalds, they made me eat french fries until they came out my ears. If someone murdered someone, blame the music they listened to. If a guy rapes a girl, blame her because she dressed sexily.

You and only you are responsible for your actions. People like you SFGAm DieHard, are what piss me off. You don't like whats on the radio or television, change the channel - plus there's always the power button. But, if you don't agree with the game, don't buy it and don't go passing you morality off on me.

--George H
---Superman the ride...coming to a SF park near you soon...
Currency tracking experiment... (Referring to The "George" on the $1 bill - Not Me)

Nicely said redman822
Your right redman, I shouldn't buy the stuff and I should change the channel, that's what I do, but there are cases, court cases, where people have honestly stated the planned out violent homicides etc on video games. Believe it or not, they do have SOME effect on all of us, people like YOU who are too stubborn and closed minded to accept staggering statistics in increased violence within those who play these games.

The problem and confusion is, that, because you are not effected by violence in video games, you assume NOBODY is. That is where the problem lies, everybody is different and everybodies brain see's and interprets things differently. I may be a young high school student, but I studied a whole semester in a class on how vidoe game and movie violence effects the American population and I myself shunned off the statistic before-hand. The truth is, if just ONE person is provoked to kill another human being and some of the ideas/reasons for killing came from a "silly video game" and a person dies from it, that game that may have made the creator millions has just been the major cause of the loss of a priceless and innocent life.

I have a quote from a poster in my Honors Western Civilization class. I am very offended by your comment Redman on me pissing you off because my opinion varies from yours.

"Like all of you I have an opinion. Listen and be respectful towards mine and I will do the same for you."

Edit: BTW, I didn't go into this thinking I'd be on the upper half of the opinion. If everybody went with the flow of thought of the majority, boy oh boy, there may not even be video games today.

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*** This post was edited by SFGAMDie HARD 2/21/2003 10:43:34 PM ***

Nicely said, redman.
Badgers?...Badgers?...We don't need no stinkin' badgers!
Like Chris Rock said, "What ever happened to crazy? What, you can't be crazy no more?" What I don't get is they pick on games like GTA3 and whatnot, but you never see them picking on games like Medal of Honor or other war games. It's the same concept. Shoot and Kill. Also, what about the parents raising their kids? How come they don't get blamed for anything? Oh well, i'm done rambling. Nothing I can do about it.
Whats the next GTA going to be, Because I loved Vice City and cant wait for the next one...

Im the #1 Canobie Lake Park Fan!!!These are my top 3 coasters:
1. S:RoS @ SFNE 2. Yankee Cannonball 3. Cyclone/B:TDK

Nicely said, redman,now, time for my two cents:

I believe that there is some degree of violence in every living person, heck, animals too. To act out violence in real life is a sign of a serious problem, which should be addressed accordingly. However, I do not believe that TV, Music, Video Games, etc. are a corrupting factor in this. If people are so worried about their children accessing innappropriate/violent material, then they need to take control, and stop letting the internet and tv raise their childen. Also, I agree that with improving technology, the line between fantasy and reality is becoming alarmingly thin and combined. However, it returns to the parenting bit: If a parent will spend the time with their child, explain the difference between fantasy and reality, and set things right, then I think we would see a decrease in violent crimes being committed. No matter where we look, violence is present. Even the most seemingly harmless video game, like, The Sims for example, allows people to torture their Sims, starve them, and let them die, but not before they soil themselves. To me, this is slightly more disturbing than the glorified gore and violence in games like Grand Theft Auto.

I'm speaking from experience, when I was a kid, my parents made darn sure I knew what was right and wrong, and what was real and what was not. Today, I play games like GTA and The Sims, and I'm able to play with a certain level of maturity, knowing that this is indeed, fantasy.

Honestly, I feel sad when a nation has to blame its child problems on little pieces of plastic and electrical impulses, and flat discs with laser-engraved bits, it shows a total lack of maturity and responsibility.

There, I think I'm done :)

"Enjoy your record-breaking ride on Millennium Force"

I must say that you hit the nail on the head MilleniumForceX. However, you did use "if" if every person raised their child. But every person just doesn't do that. I was a little emotional when I said, ban the games, but I do think there should be some laws in the extent of violence that can be portrayed in video games. The commercials for The Getaway are really truly disturbing no matter what people say. Quote from commercial "The video game that brings London's underground to life." Flash of real video footage of robbery or conflict, fade out to black, fade in lettering "Cheers!" Really makes my stomach turn, that's all I have to say, I really want to leave it at that. I'm sorry I don't have the same opinion as all of you just don't be "pissed off at people like me."

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SFGAMDieHARD...... What exactly is die hard referring to? Not those horrible, Bruce Willis movies?????? There is entirely too much profanity and senseless killing in those movies for you..... Just remember, guns, video games, knives, music, etc do not kill people, people kill people. If someone wants to commit a crime such as murder, they are not going to buy a friggin video game to plan it out... They are going to do it regardless. Video games do not give people ideas that i feel they do not already have. If the murder weapon of choice becomes a certain kind of automobile are you going to say "they should ban that car because it is too big".... Give me a break........I have some advice for you............. GET A LIFE........

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